tarotprose: My Divination Cleansing MethodsI am often asked about the cleansing methods I use before
tarotprose: My Divination Cleansing MethodsI am often asked about the cleansing methods I use before and after client reading sessions. While this is not an exhaustive list by any means, I have decided to share with you my favorite methods of cleansing. I must be honest, I do not always ritualized my cleansing. There are times when I go with what I am intuitively feeling and call it good but other times I am pulled to do something more elaborate. I encourage you to experiment safely and find what works best for you. In the effort for full disclosure I have not included the divinatory cleansing methods from my spiritual elders, or any of the sacred cleansing ritualized practices and services passed down from those channels. Note: Some of the methods I use for cleansing are Afrolatinx in nature while others are more of a modern approach. Please be mindful and respectful of these practices, their origin, and spiritual uses.Long Distance Readings:These are the readings I do through video conference, phone, private video delivery and e-mail. Before A Reading: Self Cleansing:I like to fumigate my body with a blend of frankincense and myrrh incense. It’s amazing at removing negative energies, attachments, entities etc. I then like to wash my hands with lemon verbena soap and sea salt. I then spray Florida water on my body, mark my head. chest and feet with cascarilla and cover my head with a white head-wrap. Space Cleansing:I like to cleanse my space with loud clapping, Maracas, and burning palo santo. I keep a bowl of water on my table to help filter out energies and a white lit candle to pull energy from and illuminate my guides and ancestors. Deck Cleansing:Before a reading, I put my working deck in a bowl offered to my ancestors to bless and cleanse. I shuffle and allow them to spiritually shuffle the deck.After A Reading:Self Cleansing:I like to end a reading with some nice peppermint tea. It helps me cleanse my spirit and uplifts my mood as sometimes readings can be draining. If I have the time, I try to take a shower right after my client readings are over. This helps me let go of any and all excess energy from the reading. Space Cleansing:After a reading session, I say a light prayer, open the windows and release the energy. I often light an additional candle as an offering to my ancestors and their wisdom and spray some colonia natural for an additional cleansing measure. Deck Cleansing:After readings I put my working deck back in my ancestral space to be cleansed with an offering of coffee to be charged for twenty-four hours.In Person Reading Method:These are readings I do face to face with a client in a public setting. For in person reading methods where I am meeting a client face to face, I strive to meet at a scent free zone as well as let all clients know of my scent free preference. I also encourage my clients to also participate in this prior to and during our time together. We live in a world where not everyone is comfortable or able to smell or be around certain scents from fragrance oils, scented lotions, perfumes, colognes or essential oil blends because of things such an scent sensitives, allergies, or other health concerns. I make sure that I as well as my client are safe in all aspects of their reading experience as best as I possibly can. There are some times when I cannot control the scent signature of a meeting area such as reading in a coffee shop or local bar but the client is made aware ahead of time of the reading space and I always do my best to provide any additional accommodations if and when they request it before the meeting. Before A Reading:Body Hydration And Release: I like to drink a full cup of water before a reading to hydrate my body and wake myself up. This also serves as a way to cleanse myself. I also make sure to do a small meditation and release anything that may not serve me or my clients highest good. Protective Means: I like to keep on my person a protective eye amulet that my mother hand made for me and blessed for protection and to cleanse any wayward energies that I may come across. Hand Washing: I like to wash my hands with fragrance free anti bacterial soap and coarse sea salt. Not only is this for hygiene purposes but this also helps purify my hands as well as remove any dirt and oils from them. Crystal Cleansing: I like to keep a small selenite crystal on my person. I also ask my clients before hand if they have a cleansing crystal they prefer for the reading and bring that to set on the reading space. Deck Cleansing: I like to keep a clear quartz and amethyst with my deck to cleanse the energies while on the go. Space Cleansing: I carry a small spritz bottle filled with blessed water, and a few pieces of crystal quartz. I usually spray down the table and my chair and ask the client if it is okay if I do the same to their chair, being respectful of their choices and beliefs.After In Person Readings:When I go home, I take a cleansing bath* to remove any residual energies and refresh my spirit. *I usually have this bath set up the night before to use the following day after reading marathons. Please make sure the ingredients provided in this post are safe for you to use. Cleansing Bath RecipeTo a tub or a gallon of water mixEqual parts of Coarse Sea Salt Sliced lemons with peels intact Baking soda Cascarilla Florida WaterPray or affirm to be cleansed with this mixture. Submerge yourself from the neck down seven times. Post Notes:Please do not remove the captions.Title: My Divination Cleansing MethodsCopyright: © Ivan Ambrose 2018Deck: Rider Waite SmithDisclaimer: This post in no way, shape, or form intended to tell you how you should approach cleansing or if you should even incorporate cleansing into your practice. The intention of this post is to share some things I do. What I find useful may not be useful or of interest to you and vice versa. I encourage you to do what you are comfortable with and to tailor any advice provided henceforth to your specific needs and individual situation. As always check the full disclaimer at the link below. Navigation: TOC | FAQ | Contact | Disclaimer -- source link
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