My Dad almost never utters a word in the morning until after he’s had his first cup of coffee.
My Dad almost never utters a word in the morning until after he’s had his first cup of coffee. I always get up early and brew a nice strong pot for him, knowing just how he likes it. He barely manages to throw on his bathrobe and stumble into the kitchen where I hand him his steaming cup as soon as he walks through the door. He staggers with it over to a chair at the kitchen table and flops down nursing his cup as he sits. The next few minutes are my favorite of the day. Dad sits there still to out of it to be aware of anything but the seaming hot liquid making its way down his throat. I, on the other hand, am hyperaware of every detail of him sitting there. It took about a month of this routine before I realized that he was naked under that robe. I’d always just assumed that he had on a pair of his baggy ‘Dad’ boxers that I knew he favored. But, one morning about a month into things, he’d done a poor job of tying the belt of the robe securely. He didn’t notice it, but when he flopped down on the kitchen chair, the belt gave way enough for the bottom half of the robe to part just enough that I could see about an inch of his cock head resting on his huge exposed balls as they sat on the seat of the chair. His foreskin completely covered the part of the head that was exposed giving it a rugged, masculine appearance. I couldn’t take my eyes off of it.Dad was oblivious, so I just stood at the kitchen counter, sipping my own cup of joe and staring hungrily at the glimpse of his cock. I could tell the minute the caffiene began to kick in because Dad reached down and closed the part in his robe, securing the belt at his waist. When I looked up at his face he had a curious experssion on his still sleep addled face. “Morning, son,” he managed to rasp out in his gravelly morning voice.“Morning,” I said.He kept studying my face with that same expression on his face as he drank the rest of the cup. When it was empty, I walked over and took it from him. I refilled it and handed it to him as he hauled himself up and made his way to the bathroom to shower before he left for his job at the plant. I knew he’d seen me staring at his cock head and balls, and I didn’t care. If he didn’t want me looking, I was sure he’d make sure the robe stayed closed from now on. If, that is, he could rouse himself enough to do so.The next morning, I was waiting with his coffee as usual. He stumbled in like he always did, but this time I noticed that the belt on his robe, rather than being tightly secure, was even looser than it had been the morning before. Interesting. I watched like a hawk to see what he’d do. His face looked as out of it as always, but there was an alertness to his eyes that was pretty noticeable. He stumbled over to the chair and flopped down, Predictably, the loosely tied robe parted as he sat. Once he was down, he spread his legs to either side, widening the gap enough that it parted to expose his whole crotch from bushy pubes to full balls resting on the seat.Seeing his big uncut cock in its full glory was beyond exciting. I stared at it intensely, letting my interest and approval show on my face. I loved his bushy, sexy pubes that exploded outward about three inches above the base of his thick cock and surrounded his whole packaged like a frame. He had the biggest set of bull nuts I’d ever seen, stretching down past the tip of his big shaft. Dad’s pole looked to be at least seven inches or so from base to the tip of his foreskin. That meant that his balls hung down at least eight or nine inches. Fuck. That was huge, even for a guy the size of my dad. I imagined that when he stood, those egg sized, heavy testicles had to hang a good way down his thighs. Balls that size had to produce literal buckets of cum. I found myself wondering how often he had to drain them to keep them from backing up in a vicious case of blue balls.Dad sipped his coffee slowly that morning acting as though it was taking him longer than usual to wake up. It was either that, or he was deliberately giving me more time to study his huge meat. I was debating falling to my knees and crawling over to him when he finally stood, and handed me his cup for a refill. I turned to the pot and filled his cup as he stood behind me. He hadn’t attempted to close the robe when he’d stood, I’d noticed. When I turned back to face him to hand him his cup, he’d completely untied the belt, letting the robe part to expose his entire naked torso from neck to knees.My hand shook a little as I handed him his cup. He took it, took a sip of coffee and just stood there for a minute. Looking back on it, he was probably giving me a moment to decide what I wanted to do. When I just stood there looking down at his low hanging cock and balls, he finally said, “Thanks for the coffee, bud,” then shuffled down the hall toward the bathroom.I couldn’t sleep that night, both excited and terrified about the next morning. He knew without a doubt that I wanted his big cock, or at least that I was facinated looking at it. He hadn’t seemed to mind. He’d even seemed open to it if I wanted to do more than look. I wanted the slide my lips down his thick uncut shaft so bad I could almost taste it. He might kill me for it in the morning, but I knew I had to make a move to see how far he was willing to go. Knowing that I would attempt to cross that line with him kept me from sleeping more than a few minutes at a time the whole night.The next morning I had the coffee made and was standing in the kitchen nervous as hell waiting for him to appear. When he did, I relaxed, sure that he was ready to let me go as far as I wanted. He looked as sleepy and out of it as always, eyes at half mast, slow lumbering walk. but he’d left the robe wide open, making no attempt to close it at all. As I watched him come into the kitchen, his heavy equipment moved back and forth with each of his steps. It looked swollen and longer than it had yesterday, as though still a bit firm from slowly deflating morning wood. I handed him his coffee. He walked over to the kitchen chair and moved it out and turned it facing me before flopping down on it. He let the robe fall all the way back and sooted his butt forward on the seat until his massive nuts swung off the end to swing loose over the edge. He swung his legs open as wide as they’d go, making an open invitation of his body that was impossible to misread.I watched as he took a big sip of his coffee, then laid his head back like he was savoring the taste of the brew. Then looked directly at me, locking his eyes to mine. As I watched, he then diliberately closed them with a sigh. I dropped to my knees and crawled over till I was between his legs. I leaned forward and pulled the tip of his foreskin into my lips and began nibbling on it hungrily. He let out another big sigh.I kept chewing and sucking on his foreskin as his cock began to harden. As it grew enough to begin rising up from it’s downward position I opened my mouth and sucked the giant head into my wet mouth. Dad groaned and pushed forward with his hips, forcing another inch or so into my suctioning mouth. I reached up with both of my hands and grabbed one of his bull nuts in each of them. I began massaging them as I worked my way slowly down his now ten inch boner. When I got about five inches of it into my mouth I felt his pucker of foreskin at the back of my throat tickling my tonsils. I heard him draw in a sharp breat and hold himself completely still. I drew a large breath into my lungs through my nose, swallowed and forced the huge head into my throat. He groaned. I continued to push forward as inch after inch slid into my throat.When my nose finally came into contact with his dense pubes, Dad ground into my mouth, stretching my lips to the max around the huge base of his bull cock. “Suck that big dick now, boy,” he demanded, not a trace of sleep in his voice.I spent the next half hour going all the way up and down his hard meat in a slow, deep throat hummer that had his groaning and cussing and snapping out instructions for just how he wanted it. I could tell when he was getting close, because his already massively thick cock got even thicker and harder. On my next pass, he leaned forward, grabbed the back of my head and slammed his entire cock far down my throat as he could cram it. I pulled and squeezed and milked his big nuts until he cried out and exploded into my gut.He came until my stomach was beginning to feel full from the size of the thick load he was spewing. Even after he fell back against the chair, spent, I contingued to nurse on his slowly deflating cock savoring the taste and the feel of him. When I finally realeased his cock from my lips it flopped down toward the floor, glistening wet from my saliva. I stood on shaky legs, reached for Dad’s cup and slowly made my way to the coffee pot, refilling it. I felt him stand and come up behind me. Just as I was about to turn, I felt his big hand rub its way up the crack of my ass through the thin fabric of my boxers. He leaned down to my ear and said, “Don’t wear these tomorrow, I want to see this sweet ass up in the air when I feed you my big load.” He reached around me with his other hand and took the coffee from me as he continued to rub his middle finger into my crack. I arched my back and pushed against his finger whimpering with need. “Don’t worry, boy,” Daddy growled as he released me and turned to walk out of the room, “Your Daddy’s gonna take care of that itch in your ass as soon as I think you’re ready for it.”It took two more weeks of sucking his big cock every morning before he began eating out my hole with his thick dripping tongue after depositing his huge load in my throat. After three weeks of that with me growing more and more frantic to feel his dick in my hole each day, Dad finally whispered in my ear on his way out the door that morning, “Get ready little man, tomorrow I’m gonna fuck you senseless.”I. Can’t. Wait. -- source link
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