firespirited:Whitney Frost progress: almost there. Back done, sides done, parting done should have d
firespirited:Whitney Frost progress: almost there. Back done, sides done, parting done should have done that 1.75cm front area before I started the fringe but eh, will finish tomorrow. I’ve got the area where the fringe is set in a “bump” so I can weedle through it with the needle and thatch it while rooting. I’ve got 1 layer of fringe hair in, the 2nd is 2/3rds done: see the thickness change at the right side? and there’ll be a 3rd, maybe 4th for a nice thick 80s totally hair coif.When that’s done i’ll check for any thin looking areas underneath the (as seen in the second to last photo) and root then thatch in individual plugs. She’s more creamy than white in person and still full of foam. The most annoying part is how long her hair is, having to work without it getting in the way but without tying it down so tight I might miss thinner patches is a delicate balance. -- source link