zeekappa: Born in a violent and fickle world under the rule of an uncaring empress, a young mutant f
zeekappa: Born in a violent and fickle world under the rule of an uncaring empress, a young mutant found hope in the words of a young tyrian princess speaking of revolution and peace. In the brutal and often bloody war that would eventually win the Reticent the throne she would occupy until the end of days, this young mutant became the Partisan, figurehead of an ideal world where everyone would become equal, and the general who guided their armies to victory.Despite his impressive skill and experience the Partisan was fatally injured during the final campaign, living only just long enough to see his dear friend take the crown and hear her oath to serve the new world order. Believing his actions in life would change the world for the better, the Partisan closed his eyes peacefully and died with a smile on his face.Mere months later all warlords and famed warriors were struck from historical records to prevent ‘glorifying violence’, burying Beforus’ bloody history in the hopes of preventing any more children from taking up arms and fighting for change. As all those who fought the war alongside him, the Partisan eventually faded from all known history, now no more than a memory known only to the ancient Beforan queen. My headcanon Beforus Karkat, fully drawn at long last! More on my other Beforus ancestors here. -- source link