It all began in the home of Mr. And Mrs. Thomas Otto in the year of 1896. It was well known the Otto
It all began in the home of Mr. And Mrs. Thomas Otto in the year of 1896. It was well known the Otto’s were wealthy and unkind. They mistreated their servants. One servant, that aided in the care of the couples son, Robert Eugene (Gene). The servant was said to have knowledge in the ways of voodoo. She for one reason or the other became very angry with the Otto’s. She decided to do something about it. As the story goes the servant gave Gene a doll. The doll stood three feet tall and was stuffed with straw. With life-like features Gene was very attracted to this doll. He decided to name the doll “Robert”.Gene took the doll everywhere with him. It is said that the Otto’s often heard Gene upstairs talking to the doll. This normally wouldn’t be unusual. Many children talk to their dolls. In this particular situation however, the Otto’s were frightened because the boy would answer himself in a voice very unlike his own. The story of Robert the haunted doll is unlike any you’ve heard.Strange things began to occur in the Otto household. Even neighbors claimed to see Robert move about from window to window when the family wasn’t home. Gene began to blame Robert for mishaps that would occur. The Otto’s claimed to hear the doll giggle, and swear they caught glimpses of the doll running about the house. If you look at the picture and imagine the haunted doll running about the house you can see how frightening it would be.Gene began to have nightmares and scream out in the night, and when his parents would enter the room they would find furniture over turned. Their child would be in a fright with Robert at the foot of the bed. “Robert did it!” Gene would tell them. The doll was eventually put up into the attic. Where he resided for many years.The citizens of Key West heard about Robert and his evil doings. Many people walking by the home reported that the doll watched from the turret room and mocked them as they passed. Children walking home from school would avoid walking in front of the home.Gene reported when visiting the turret room he found Robert him in the rocking chair by the turret room window. Finally Gene himself had enough of the doll.The haunted doll had other plans, however. Visitors that entered the house could hear something walking back and forth in the attic, and strange giggling sounds. Guests no longer wanted to visit the Otto home.Gene Otto died in 1972.The home was sold to a new family, and the tale of Robert had died down…Robert waited patiently up in the attic to be discovered once again. The 10 year old daughter of the new owners soon found Robert in the attic. It was not long before Robert unleashed his displeasure on the child. The little girl claimed that the doll tortured her, and made her life hell. Even after more than thirty years later, she steadfastly claims that “the doll was alive and wanted to kill her.”Robert, still dressed in his white sailor’s suit and clutching his stuffed lion, lives quite comfortably, though well guarded, at the Key West Martello Museum. Employees at the museum continue to give accounts of Robert being up to his old tricks still today. -- source link
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