Good girl… position just like I asked. I hope you remembered to lay out on the desk n
Good girl… position just like I asked. I hope you remembered to lay out on the desk next you to, the collection of spanking implement from which I can make my selection. I can see goose bumps begin to surface on the back of your thighs, is that from the draft emanating from the slightly open window, or the apprehension and excitement building from within, I wonder. “Tell me again why you want me to do this” I ask. Your response is that “this will help to remember proper protocol, that a submissive never cums until given permission”. I pick up an implement with one hand, while I dart my other hand between her legs….as I suspected, wet as anything. She shuffles her feet wider apart and begin to moan. I think this protocols is going to require a number of lessons before properly learned. -- source link