redheadlover1848:browser-61:alexandramadar: Thrilled and incredibly honored to have been named R
redheadlover1848: browser-61: alexandramadar: Thrilled and incredibly honored to have been named Redhead Of The Year for 2018. The joy and excitement I hold for next year is indescribable - especially when it involves being on such a platform, allowing redheads to embrace their unique features (something I struggled severely with growing up) When I became a model, my main goal was to be an inspiration to young women. To help them understand that standing out in a crowd is far better than blending in - to run wild with features that make you who you are. Thank you, @redheadoftheday @redheadoftheyear for this incredible honor! Photo by the amazing, @meganeclaire ❤✨☺️ Couldn’t have happened to a nicer girl. Congratulations, Alexandra. Alexandra Madar: Very nice redhead model! Schöne Sommersprossen -- source link