suckitbimbo: Why Emily ever decided to study Latin, she’d never know.It is a dead language spo
suckitbimbo: Why Emily ever decided to study Latin, she’d never know.It is a dead language spoken by no one and all of the texts are hundreds of years old and, honestly, not that interesting to begin with. Or maybe she did know, when she really thought about. She had always been interested in languages. How they worked, the hidden mechanics behind them and the power they held over people. And since Latin is the root for a stackering number of languages, she decided that would be it.It also meant that when her friend Michael needed someone to look at his new translation of the Bible, she was a natural fit. Not that she was religious or anything. She was just the only one he knew that could actually compare the original Latin translation he had been using. At least that was how he persuaded her to do it. Well, that and the promise to pay her rent for the next month.So she settled in with a copy of the Latin translation, a copy of the King James version and Michael’s new translation, and got to work comparing the various differences and tried to see where Michael’s Bible differed from the other two.One of the key differences was apparent almost from the first word. Instead of God being refered to as the Lord, he was refered to as The Master. It might not seem like a big difference, thought Emily, but the implications were actually pretty far reaching. A lord watches over his subjection, whereas a Master rules over them and bends them to his own desire. She made a note of it, to discuss with Michael when he came by later that day.It went on more or less like the King James version from then on, until Genesis 2, when God creates Adam and Eve. James’ version read: “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.“ where Michael’s read” And the Master God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed life into his name and man became a living god”. Which just seemed like a mistranslation, to Emily’s eyes. Sure, man was created in God’s image and all that, but he wasn’t a “living god”, like a god in human form. Even if the Bible had some pretty outdated ideas of women’s rights and their place in regards to the man, surely he wasn’t a god while women were only human. What was Michael thinking with this weird translation?It didn’t take long until she reached the next major diversion.The creation of Eve was almost completely different. After God created all of the animals “an help meet for man” in King James’ version, but as “a slave for Man“ in Michael’s, God still sees that Man is alone and that he still needs a proper slave. But instead of putting Man to sleep and taking one of his ribs, God and Man creates a woman together, shaping her to Man’s wishes. He gets to mold her to his desires, so she is most pleasing to him and then God says that she is now Man’s to do with as he pleases and this is the way it is meant to be. It was as if Michael was just making this stuff up as he went along. There was no basis for this either in the King James version or in the Latin version. Emily couldn’t believe it. At least it ended in roughly the same way, with them both being naked, though Michael had added a part about this being the proper way for a woman to present herself to a Man.After that Emily decided to just skip around a bit. She had a hard time taking it seriously. It was just so… strange, compared to what she knew of the Bible. Of course it had always struck her as wrong about women’s rights, but Michael’s version was even more radical. Not that she wanted to just dismiss it without really thinking about it. Millions of people all over the world believed in this stuff, so she ought to give it a fair chance. Maybe what she needed to, if not believe, then at least understand, was a new view on the whole thing. And at least Michael’s version was in a more relaxing voice than the old one.Emily came upon a passage regarding homosexuality, something she knew the Bible was against and was actually one of the reasons she had scorned it. Not that she was homosexual herself, but she felt that there was nothing wrong with it. Honestly, she had a hard time figuring out why someone would even be against it. People don’t choose who they love and should be allowed to live their lives how they wanted, that was her opinion. So she was happy to see that Michael’s version seemed much more positive towards homosexuality. In fact it almost promoted it. She became so wrapped up in her joy over seeing this that she hardly even noticed that it was only sex between two women that Michael was talking about. Usually while a Man was present as well. When she did notice, she figured it made sense. Not that it was right, but since his Bible seemed more focused on Man and his pleasure, it made sense that women should put on a show for men. And at least it was still a, sort of, positive view on homosexuality. Emily had always thought that the Bible was strangely negative about body image, with people covering themselves up all the time and living in shame, especially since being ashamed of their nakedness was what made God aware of Adam and Eve eating the apple, which meant that the natural state must’ve been naked. Thinking back on it, Michael had elaborated on being naked after woman was created and said that it was good and the proper way for her to be. Proud of her body and that it pleased Man. This message kept croping up in other parts of his translation, with women proudly displaying their bodies for Men. This really struck a cord with Emily, who had always been ashamed of her body. Not because she had anything to be ashamed of, she looked dead sexy, but because if she displayed it people wouldn’t take her seriously. But Michael was right. It was nothing to be ashamed of and if she wanted to display herself, she should. She knew guys loved her big breasts, so she decided that she would show them off more. She started by unbuttoning her shirt and letting it hang open, displaying her big tits.Maybe this version wasn’t so bad after all. Maybe Michael did have some good points, actually. She looked forward to discussing it with him when he got there. She decided she’d better keep reading, to be well prepared for him. It was getting harder to concentrate though, so she was just mostly just flipping through the pages reading a passage every now and then. A lot of it really made sense, when taking into account the other stuff she had read. Normally she would have disagreed with an idea such as the Man being the Master of women, as it said it Michael’s translation of 1 Corinthians 11. But if women were meant to display themselves for Men, to fuck other women and were made to please Men, it made a lot of sense. The thing that really made the most sense to Emily was the way Michael descriped worshipping and devotion. Instead of going to church and all that, she just had to serve her Master and please him. Because Master was like God, pleasing Master would please God. And the Man, the Master, would please God by taking his pleasure from his woman slave. Because his pleasure is the same as God’s pleasure. That really made a lot of sense to her. It was a lot more fun to make a Man happy, she certainly had ideas as for how to do that, than to sit and listen to some boring sermon. Michael’s Bible, which was now becoming her Bible too, still talked of prayer, though. But instead of kneeling before the cross, she should kneel before her Master. Instead of saying a prayer to show her devotion, she should suck her Master’s cock. She thought the language was a bit forward at this part, but then she figured that was what was needed. It was after all this language that had made her a believer. She would have to thank Michael for showing her the light. She had been such a foolish girl until he helped her. She was lucky to have such a smart Man to help her.Then it hit her. If he had helped her in this way, taking care of her and helping her to understand her place in life, he had done as a Master was supposed to do. So he must be her Master!She couldn’t wait for him to get there, so she could show him how devoted she had become. Just the thought of kneeling before him, unbuckling his pants, taking out his cock and sliding it between her lips made her so happy. And horny. She didn’t even notice that she was running her pencil over her lips, while she was staring out the window dreaming about her Master.She’d be such a good slave to him.Based on a 3 word prompt by Anonymous. The 3 words were: Bible, forced bimbofication and blowjob. -- source link
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