Every time I wear this top, it makes me happy. I get excited to be able to choose it. Today I wrote
Every time I wear this top, it makes me happy. I get excited to be able to choose it. Today I wrote a post on my blog about letting go of clothing that no longer serves you, including “goal weight” pieces you may be hanging onto in hopes of it motivating you to lose weight. Although this may be constructive motivation for some, keeping clothes in my closet that no longer fit in hopes they would again someday was detrimental to my mental health. If this resonates, I encourage and ask you to check out the post. The link to it is in my Instagram bio. You can also find it under the Style Sunday category on https://www.travelstyleglitter.wordpress.com ✨ #bodylovebritt #travelstyleglitter #plussize #plussizefashion #plussizestyle #plussizemodel #bodypositive #bodypositivity #plussizeblogger #lgbt #lgbtq #blogger #fashionblogger #travelblogger #styleblogger #ootd #pride #fashion #style #blog #bloggerstyle #selflove #selfcare #unconditionallove #plur #raver #love #peace #unity #happiness (at Phoenix, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByyzF1an0xR/?igshid=jcaenvagwi4n -- source link