sweeet-november:If you want to donate us and help us to publish our book:www.patreon.com/sil
sweeet-november:If you want to donate us and help us to publish our book:https://www.patreon.com/sillysaraIn the world every 40 seconds a person commits suicide. The majority of them are teenagers.The statistics of Health and mental health center in Lithuania show that young people choose suicide as a last solution to end the bullying at their school grounds. Such last events in Lithuania show that a young person commits to end everything because of his or hers non-traditional orientation.In social media you can clearly see the comments of our society. “Homosexuality is an illness!““That is an irregularity!““Gays and lesbians are the parasytes which need to be stomped on!““That is the shame of the country!““There have never been anything like this in the past!““This is a 21st centuries problem that needs to be solved!“ – says the citizens of the Republic of Lithuania, the citizens of independent country, who are trying to say their opinion out loud in the social media.And we all clearly see the results. People, who are being led by the herd‘s exclamation, decide to climb over the bridge‘s, which extend along the highway, borders. By taking a hanful of sleeping pills and suppressing drugs they leave the goodbye letters behind, in which they express their disappointment and the supressed will to live by the community. These young, full of ideas, goals, dreams and ambitions people, who would have given so much to this world, in the end choose to cut open their veins.Is it really that hard to at least try to understand other person, instead of judging?Why, why is it still kept in silence? Why are all of the institution‘s doors shut in front of the young person who is looking for a ray of his last hope?Is it true that a young persons life is worth so little in our societies eyes?I don‘t want to be silent anymore. I clearly see the results of being silent. Young person, who lives between our insanity, alienation, just doesn‘t see the reason to stay. Opressed in school hallways, and after experiencing physical and psychological violence, they try to search for answers, a solution, a way to change and to become “normal”, and in all of this they feel like they aren’t worthy to stay in our group.I want to talk, because I am healthy, who can love, smile, be happy of lifes every moment, eat like everyone else does and even sleep on time, I have to be thrown at with rocks. I was forced to feel not normal. I was forced to be afraid of my every own move. I was made to feel like a pervert.The discussions in social media which were there for the last few weeks pushed me to sit down in front of my desk and to talk about how I imagine love. That the love for me isn‘t just a physical contact with other human being. That the love is necessary for us like air, water, propulsion material. That you can‘t choose who to love, because love doesn‘t have gender. That you can love yourself, life and everyone around you, even if they don‘t always love you.This video recording is representative video about what was happening in Rumšiškės - in Lithuanian folk and household museum. When I talked about my own idea to write a book about a non-traditional love of two girls and to take pictures of it, I asked for help and more that fifty girls from all around the country decided to help me.“To love is (not) forbidden“ - it is a photographic and written piece of fiction about the love of two girls before the war. About parents who disown their daughter only because of her differences. About societies view of different oriented people. About an illness, which on how to cure electricity is still used. About that it was a reason to be killed. Society talks, about that this is only a problem to the twenty first century, although I would like to apologize, that in nature homosexuality was always there, though people remained silent on this topic. They were scared of the reaction of others, scared of that will be dealt with. Pitiful that it is still a not talked about topic even in our times. That it is still comparable to a disease.I dare to name that this is an illustrated novel about a full of purpose life which chose the path of free and different love, leaving behind old stereotypes which we get from the birth. One person has told me, that this piece is the love litany. That it can be all kinds of love. That when you love someone, sometimes you‘ll pray to God and sometimes you‘ll curse the God. That when you love someone you can do anything, even resist for yourself. To do more than you have ever thought you can do. To feel more than you thought you can feel.Thank you to all the girls who walked together with me in this mission to wake up the hearts. To force someone to hear and to ask themselves… Do we really need to punish others because they love differently?Moreover, we are searching for everyone who wants to support us with monetary amount or any other way and help us to publish “To love is (not) forbidden“. I want that in the future everyone would enjoyliving in Lithuania. I want that everyone would enjoy being in Lithuania starting tomorrow. I don‘t want to hear any bad words and disgust about my own country when I‘m abroad. I don‘t want Lithuania to be labeled as the Third World country.Encourage everyone to light up with life. -- source link
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