gender-critical-appspot:And here’s Liam / Lily Madigan bidding for a space reserved for women only.
gender-critical-appspot:And here’s Liam / Lily Madigan bidding for a space reserved for women only. it just feels so deeply insulting to have male people at the Jo Cox remembrance program… you can’t seriously tell me Jo Cox would ever have been murdered if she were a trans women Just… make a trans leadership program there is clearly demand trans people have their own issues (access to medical transition, transphobia, misgendering), which don’t have literally zero overlap with women’s issues (I think we both benefit from gender neutral language in many contexts), but women’s issues (women’s healthcare, access to abortions, misogyny, STEM education) do not benefit from being conflated with trans issues, and in areas where our interests are directly opposed (bathrooms, prisons, self ID on surveys/data, employment law) surely it’s better for both groups to have their own self-advocate -- source link