quaffl:so it’s christmas and i’ve reached over 1,000 followers recently, so i wanted to show my grat
quaffl:so it’s christmas and i’ve reached over 1,000 followers recently, so i wanted to show my gratitude to all you beautiful people, and just do something to say thanks, really. and since i realised i’ve never done a follow forever before, i figured it was about time i did! if you think i’ve forgotten you i am so sorry, i don’t intentionally mean to forget you, but with people changing their urls a lot i get confused with who is who. just know that you are brilliant and fab and koala-tea! you all make tumblr a wonderful place to be, so thank you, and merry christmas!A-Eacciocedric | aurarius | azkapanem broomstix | buckbeakisback crazycrazycat | c-ruciolestrange dailyjamiebower | deathlyhalowes | dracoamalfoy effietrlnketF-Jfantasticremus | frozenpeeta gingerginny hagridspumpkin | happylupin | heyy-mione i-am-lord-trolldemortK-Olilypottar | lordmalfoy | malfoycharms | malfoygoose | merryabernathy | merrysteiner | misteriddle | mydraco neewts | nevillethereindeer | nicolasflammel ohronaldP-Sperksofbeingafanboy | prisonerfromazkaban | purrongs quillsandink riddlesbitch | ronahld | ronaldweasl-y | ronsandharrys | rupelover | salzarslytherin | shacklebot | sirepotter | siriuisblack | siriusbllack | siriusnoire | snowyprongs | sriusblcks | slytherinly | staydraco T-Zthe-golden-trio | tomriddl | triwizarded weagreednottolietoeachother | winterypondsand to all you fab people in themaraudors and theriddles.thank you love!!! -- source link
Tumblr Blog : quaffl.tumblr.com