witchkitch: The Werewolf Veggie Burger 1 Negativity Banishing Black Bun1 Veggie Burger Patty&nb
witchkitch: The Werewolf Veggie Burger 1 Negativity Banishing Black Bun1 Veggie Burger Patty (balance, happiness, grounding, stability) 5 Shiitake Mushroom (psychic awareness, grounding) ½ Onion (prosperity, stability, protection, healing) 1 slice Vegan Cheddar Cheese (prosperity, love, communication, healing) ¼ Red Cabbage (luck, abundance, manifestation, protection)½ of a Lemon (warding, purifying, cleansing, healing) 2 Apples (love, health, protection, stability) Pinch of Salt (cleansing, protection, banishment) Dash of Sriracha (warding, protection, banishing, health)Dash of Agave (spiritual healing, fortune, longevity) (vegetarian.vegan) -- source link