needacuntforuse: furthereducationforwomen: Submitted by @luisa-fantasyworld* * * She hadn&rsquo
needacuntforuse: furthereducationforwomen: Submitted by @luisa-fantasyworld* * * She hadn’t meant for it to happen, of course. She was a good girl - went to church, did what her mother told her, didn’t do any of the nasty things that boys wanted from her. No, she was pure and she’d stay that way till she got married! there was this traitorous little voice in her head though, the one that whined about how boring it all was. The voice that said ‘Look at those girls! The cheap, nasty little whores who give out blowjobs behind the bar. They look like they’re having so much more fun than you!’Of course she couldn’t be one of them. They were junkie sluts, fucking and sucking and degrading themselves for the next hit. Begging their pimps for the chance to fuck a bit more so they could do one more line. They were filth! …So why did she get so wet at night, when her fingers slipped into her panties and she bit her pillow to hide the whimpers? There had to be something wrong with her. Something that could only be fixed with more prayer and resisting temptation like a good Catholic girl should. Maybe she’d have been ok, if it wasn’t for him. He didn’t look like a twisted, controlling predator. He was so kind, so gentlemanly, so scholarly. He kissed her hand and held open the door. He ordered for her and brushed away any suggestion that she needed to do anything but enjoy herself and look pretty. It was so easy to listen to him after all and he totally seemed to have her interests at heart. Everything was so easy with him around - no stress, no worry, no anxiety - just fun. He never pressured her either. Instead, he just taught her to let him do the thinking.Then one night there was a pill. It would make her feel really, really good he said. Then they could relax more. She shouldn’t worry he said, everything would be fine. So she trusted him, just like she always had… Things got a bit hazy after that, but she felt amazing! So amazing in fact that when it wore off she didn’t feel so good. He said that was enough though. That too much might hurt her. Days went past, endlessly long days when all she could think about was feeling that good again. Feeling like everything wasn’t boring anymore. So she asked for more. He was reluctant, said it wasn’t a good idea, but she was desperate. She begged. She rubbed up against him and promised she’d make him feel good too! He laughed and told her that wasn’t necessary - here was another pill and here was hours of bliss once again. Relaxed in his arms, every nerve singing with pleasure she didn’t even flinch when his hands ran over her body. Hands old enough to be her fathers’. But it didn’t last as long this time and the time afterwards was even harder.So she begged more, she promised to do anything he liked. She put his hands on her body and told him it was ok, she didn’t mind, she wasn’t scared anymore. So he smiled his secret smile and then there was another pill, but it came at a cost. She had to let him do things to her - all the nasty, filthy things she’d promised she wouldn’t let a man do even after she was married. But she needed the pill. Needed the sparking, flaming surge of pleasure and bliss that came with it. She started to say no, but it only came out as ‘Yes! Yes! Anything!’It didn’t last as long again, not even as long as last time. The high was different though, mainly because it was filled with his thick cock invading her holes. He pounded away at her, at her mouth and ass and cunt. He came in her, over and over and she loved every second. She begged for more, she encouraged him to use her. Kneeling in front of him, her mouth open to catch his load she knew that this was where she belonged… Until she woke up again. The high was gone and the need was back. It was so much worse this time, but not as bad as the guilt. She had been defiled, used, abused. She was broken now. Filthy like all the other whores. In her tears, she swore to him it would never happen again! But he just laughed in her face. She started to walk away, telling herself that she didn’t need those pills. She was better than this! But somehow his laugh stopped her. Then she heard whimpers and moans and begging. Turning she saw his phone and images of her squealing like a filthy, needy bitch. Covered in cum and begging to be filled again. So he told her how it was going to be. She was going to do what she was told, or everyone would see this. Her mother, her father, her priest, her friends. She was going to be good, and when she was good she’d be rewarded… and in the other hand was a pill.There was nothing she could do, and at first, it wasn’t so bad. The images didn’t go any further and she did love how it made her feel. It was never as good or as long though. In the meantime, she did what he asked. She dressed for him and agreed to whatever he wanted. She was used every night and begged for more, more fucking, more cum, more of his fat cock rammed in her holes. She called him Papi and did as he asked because a happy Papi meant more happy pills. They weren’t enough though, not anymore. Wasn’t there something else that would bring back that feeling? Of course there was, he said. So then there was a little line of powder that sparkled in the dim light of the motel room. He offered her a rolled up note and told her not to worry. She knew she shouldn’t, but she couldn’t help herself. She’d never had much will to start with and now it was almost all gone - washed away under a tide of drugs and fucking. It went up her nose and then her mind was on fire with pleasure. It didn’t matter what happened now! Everything was so good, so perfect, so blissful. It didn’t matter when the door opened and some more men came in. They passed Papi some money and he patted her cheek gently before walking out. They did terrible things to her then, terrible things that she loved. Cocks rammed into her while she begged and cried. Cum sprayed in her and on her. Her ass red from slaps and her hair matted with spit and cum. Slammed back and forth between the rock hard, spurting dick in her ass and the one trying to fuck her stomach through her throat. When she woke up he was there again, smirking when she burst into tears. She’d been fucked for money! She was just a whore! A junkie, coke whore. No. This had to stop. She sobbed as she told him but she knew what was coming before the words left her mouth. The phone was there again and so were the images. Her tight little body being used and abused by rough men old enough to be her father. her cries and pleas for more - more of everything. More cock and more fucking. More use and more drugs. All captured forever. Her sobs were muted as he explained that she would do as she was told. She would fuck who he said and then no-one she cared about needed to find out. She could be a good whore and get another line, or she could fight him and lose everything.What choice did she have?That was months ago of course. Now she sits on the bar stool smiling at men in the cheap, dingy bar. Sometimes they take her home, sometimes they just use her in the stinking toilet or the alley - ramming at her while she wishes it was Papi’s golden cock wiping out every thought in her pathetic excuse for a mind. It doesn’t matter who sees her because mom and dad threw her out after she forgot where she was and they found her doing lines off the bathroom sink with Papi’s cum running down her legs. All her friends saw her too - standing on a street corner dressed like a hooker - because that’s all she is now. Everything is gone, everything except Papi and the drugs. She doesn’t think about it much though. All that’s left in her cock and cum addled brain is the need for more fucking and another line. That means making Papi happy. That means doing whatever he says. That means fucking and dressing for him and only him. His happiness is her joy. She can’t remember why she even argued in the first place because she knows…All women should be like this. Well written corruption story. Pleaaassseee!!! Please let this be me!! Absolutely destroy my life and make my existence revolve around you and your wants and needs! Kik Wickr Telegram KaelynRea -- source link
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