turnbullephemera: A rather special poster for a 1969 Ngaio Marsh production. Do you recognise the ac
turnbullephemera: A rather special poster for a 1969 Ngaio Marsh production. Do you recognise the actor in the centre, as Theseus? At the time he went by the name of Nigel Neill, but is now known as Sam Neill. The other cast members, from left to right are: Yvonne McKay as Hermia, Bill Stalker as Lysander, Deirdre O'Connor (rear) as Helena, Catherine Wilkin (front) as Hippolyta, Douglas Blair as Demetrius. An attractive group although it omits Oberon, Titania and Puck. The University of Canterbury Drama Society presents William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, produced by Ngaio Marsh, with Elric Hooper as Puck. Ngaio Marsh Theatre, June 14-July 5, [1969] Eph-D-DRAMA-1969-01 -- source link