lyricmorphs:Did some bloating today. Wore a small shirt out in public and got a couple of stares.

lyricmorphs:Did some bloating today. Wore a small shirt out in public and got a couple of stares.
lyricmorphs:Did some bloating today. Wore a small shirt out in public and got a couple of stares.
lyricmorphs:Did some bloating today. Wore a small shirt out in public and got a couple of stares.
lyricmorphs:Did some bloating today. Wore a small shirt out in public and got a couple of stares.
lyricmorphs:Did some bloating today. Wore a small shirt out in public and got a couple of stares.
lyricmorphs:Did some bloating today. Wore a small shirt out in public and got a couple of stares.