thediaperzone:Josh stood frustrated and helpless between the two most powerful people in his life:
thediaperzone: Josh stood frustrated and helpless between the two most powerful people in his life: his mother and grandmother. Unlike most college students he didn’t have to worry about finding a job, what he would eat, what he would wear or when he would go to bed. All of his choices were made for him by these two women, leaving him no autonomy. Ever since his clash with the police and his loss of a driver’s license his mom decided enough was enough. If he was ever going to get his act together it would be due to a life change and some discipline. The first step was removing his potty privileges and returning him to the safety of diapers. The second step was removing his masculinity by controlling his ability to masturbate with a chastity cage. Although Josh hated it there was little he could do. With each passing day, with each dirty diaper, it seemed he became more and more his mother’s little baby. #abdl #adultbaby #Mdlb #diaperart Josh était frustré et impuissant entre les deux personnes les plus puissantes de sa vie : sa mère et sa grand-mère. Contrairement à la plupart des étudiants, il n'avait pas à se soucier de trouver un emploi, de ce qu'il mangerait, de ce qu'il porterait ou de quand il irait se coucher. Tous ses choix ont été faits pour lui par ces deux femmes, ne lui laissant aucune autonomie. Depuis son affrontement avec la police et la perte de son permis de conduire, sa mère a décidé que ça suffisait. S'il devait un jour se reprendre en main, ce serait grâce à un changement de vie et à une certaine discipline. La première étape consistait à retirer ses privilèges de pot et à le ramener à la sécurité des couches. La deuxième étape consistait à supprimer sa masculinité en contrôlant sa capacité à se masturber avec une cage de chasteté. Même si Josh détestait ça, il ne pouvait pas faire grand-chose. Chaque jour qui passait, à chaque couche sale, il semblait qu'il devenait de plus en plus le petit bébé de sa mère. -- source link