前幾日第一次番Green Hub做嘢,突然園丁同事俾左條大羽毛我!佢:送俾你啦,岩岩執到,我噴左嘢嫁啦(消毒)我:嘩!多謝你啦,我有儲開羽毛嫁!佢:乜咁岩既!太神奇啦,完全無傾計,第一次見既同事竟然會
前幾日第一次番Green Hub做嘢,突然園丁同事俾左條大羽毛我!佢:送俾你啦,岩岩執到,我噴左嘢嫁啦(消毒)我:嘩!多謝你啦,我有儲開羽毛嫁!佢:乜咁岩既!太神奇啦,完全無傾計,第一次見既同事竟然會送羽毛俾我!仲要係藍色既,咁岩同我條褲襯哂色!藍色羽毛象徵平靜、和平。提示我係自由的,因為無任何負擔讓我退縮。 我唔會自欺欺人,唔會同任何人爭吵,無論咩情況,我都可以自在地發表自己的真相,並感到安寧。藍色羽毛亦係溝通、真實同自我表達既象徵。 擁有藍色羽毛可以激發我相信自己,表達自己的能力和最深層既真理。 提醒我要進行清晰而真實既溝通,但過程中不一定要直率同粗魯。另一方面係提示我既靈性能力、同高我既連結都增長緊,要以智慧去工作,服務眾生。而尾尾既黑白地同時出現代表保護、陰陽平衡,同埋轉變既來臨。黑色代表靈性同神秘知識;白色代表天使、淨化、希望。多謝天使既禮物,多謝佢地既保護,多謝宇宙既提示!Few days ago was my first time working at Green Hub, and a colleague suddenly gave me a big feather!She: I’ve just picked it up and giving it to you. I’ve already sterilized it.Me: Wow! Thank you so much! I’ve been collecting feathers!She: How a coincident! How magical it is for someone I’ve not even talked to and meeting for the first time suddenly gave me this #beautiful #blue #feather that matches with my pants!Blue feathers in general symbolize #calm and #peace. I am free because you have no burden holding you back. I tell no lies and have no quarrels with anyone, allowing me to be free to speak my truth and feel at peace, no matter the circumstances. It is also a symbol of #communication, truthfulness, and self-expression. It inspires me to believe in my own ability to express myself and my deepest #truths. It also reminds me to communicate clearly and truthfully, but not necessarily be blunt and rude in the process.The black and white appearing on the tip represents protection, the #balance between yin and yang, and changes coming. Black represents #spirituality and #mystic knowledge; white represents #angels, #purification, and #hope.Thank you for this gift from #Angels and their protection!Thank you Universe for the reminder!#synchronicity #thankyou #awakening #enlightening #universe #free #gift #spiritual #balance #yinyang #reminder (at 綠匯學苑)https://www.instagram.com/p/CHfInOWg_jPBLSuMLTLCThhIZLYQ7x0Rpb8a_g0/?igshid=1f4iwv7k75hs1 -- source link
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