matcha-s: - I decided to say screw it all and slap down my current resources bc it’s getting o
matcha-s: - I decided to say screw it all and slap down my current resources bc it’s getting out of hand (✿ᵒᵕᵒ)- bolded are my faves- my tagalog resources 頑張りましょう! ♡ DICTIONARIES ♡ 語源由来辞典 etymology 故事ことわざ辞典 proverbs 日本語俗語辞書 colloquial language Imiimiimi : slang Jisho JLect : search by dialect Kanjikai 日本語 eな Tangorin Weblio - シソーラス ♡ KANJI ♡ クルミの日本語 1,900 readings (on+kun) All Kanji by grade Kanji Koohii Kanji level checker Kun vs On Learn Kanji fast Moji.Tekkai: kanji in different styles Radicals Repeater (no readings!) Radical cheat sheet Riraikun Suiren: words by kanji Tobira: exercise sheets Yojijukugo: 4-kanji compounds ♡ GRAMMAR ♡ 日本語ください Bc of Dreams: full list Bite-sized grammar By JLPT level (full list) Find sentence examples Maggie-sensei Mistakes and differences Particles The ~small~ letters 300+ pages of grammar ♡ JLPT ♡ Grammar plan Study plan Level requirements Level summaries MLC: Short questions by grammar Mock tests (ジェイグラム) (jtest) N2 study (books) ♡ LEARNING ♡ みなと ぷにぷに Clozemaster (+ writing challenges) Duo General situations Memrise OnomatoProject Quizlet U-biq Verb conjugator quiz Vocabulary size quiz YT: 国語-文法 (middle school grammar) YT: N2 grammar ♡ READING/ LISTENING / WATCHING ♡ Apps for a language partner Bookmeter (Japanese Goodreads) Media by Level 朝学 Aozora Bunko (Jp. Project Gutenberg) Bum Detective / おしりたんてい 天文学辞典 Alice in Wonderland Buzzfeed Calvin & Hobbes Fairy tales + short stories Japanese children’s stories 子供朝日 - children’s newspaper KC読む読む - preschool books News Web Easy 日本語学習読本 Reading 小説を読もう - light novels Stories - Tokyo Intl. University Tadoku graded readers Tatoeba Corpus Unesco: About Japan in Japanese ひろがる 福娘 - short fairy tales Hearing numbers practice Japanese documentaries Listening - daily life Lyrics training Mykikitori SuperNative Top JPop tracks Daiweeb Isle of Dogs モンポケ YT: はじめしゃちょー YT: fairy tales YT: PDRさん ♡ REFERENCES ♡ 世界の国・漢字略称 時雨の町 (grammar examples) CEFR level test TTBJ proficiency test What’s your level? (self determine) Adjective list Cotoacademy Date converter General Japanese refs Humble and Honorific How to write on essay paper Improve speaking skills Keigo cheatsheet Language level challenges Math terms Naverまとめ - slang articles Onomatopedia Verb conjugator World map ♡ VOCABULARY ♡ “All” Counters Fake your fluency Harry Potter Hobbies Water cycle (英語で) ♡Don’t give up!♡ -- source link
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