Poking the Bear(Story Post)It didn’t take long to confirm the wolf’s pregnancy o
Poking the Bear(Story Post)It didn’t take long to confirm the wolf’s pregnancy once the heat was over. Nathan was still upset with Reid so he didn’t engage much with him during the appointment, and simply treated him as a doctor and nothing else. Dax was a bit concerned, but he was sure Nathan would warm up again eventually.The plan before all this had always been to spend as much time as they could up at Kent’s cottage so he could see his kids, so that was their next stop. They called ahead and planned to stay about a week to make the travel worth it since going up and down to the city every few days wasn’t reasonable.When they got there though, Kent was still a bit surprised. He took the twins first and got comfy with them on his couch before he asked any questions though, and let Dax and Nathan get themselves a couple drinks.“You’re supposed to still be in cycle,” Kent pointed out when Nathan finally sat down with a glass of water. “You said you didn’t want to be here for that.”Nathan nodded and took Dax’s hand when he sat down beside him. “Yes. We’re going to talk about that.”“You are, are you?” Kent huffed and pet the back of Grace’s head as she sprung up little wolf ears and a snout to nuzzle into his arm. “Go on then.”“Well, the reason I didn’t want to be here for my wolf cycle was because the wolf was in heat,” Nathan explained.“No kidding.”“Exactly. We didn’t want a repeat of what happened last year,” Nathan said.“Two’s enough,” Kent said, sliding a hand between his chest and Gabriel’s curious nosing about.“Yeah, well…” Nathan started, nervous all of a sudden.“About that…” Dax began, but he also felt like he wanted Nathan to say it.Kent narrowed his eyes in suspicion. “What’s wrong with you two? I can smell you sweatin’ over here. Spit it out.”Nathan wrung his fingers together. “Kent.”“I’m listenin’.”“So, the thing is…” Nathan tilted his head towards Dax. “We’re both expecting.”Kent grimaced. “Expectin’ what?”“Pregnant,” Nathan said. “We’re both pregnant.”“What?” Kent growled. “What the fuck do you mean? You’re pregnant again?”“We both are,” Dax piped up. “Well not me ‘again’ in those words, but…” He pointed to his own and Nathan’s stomach. “One and one.”Kent shook his head. “Uh uh. Nope. When we did whatever the fuck that was last time you were here, we didn’t do anything worth makin’ babies. Neither of you was on my dick. I was sober.”“You know what?” Nathan got up and opened his arms. “The language in here isn’t appropriate for these two, so you can hand them over and I’ll put them down for a nap so we can continue this adult conversation.”Kent huffed in Nathan’s face and just got up to go put them down himself. Nathan waited standing there frustrated until Kent came back and sat down again.Kent slapped his own thighs. “Like I fucking said, I didn’t dick down no fella that night. Y'all can’t be pregnant.”“You’re right that no one got pregnant that night,” Nathan stated. “But Dax and I chose to have a baby, the one I’m carrying. You were not involved in that. You got Dax pregnant the first weekend we came up.”Kent looked at Nathan and then down to Dax still sitting across from him, who just waved sheepishly.“No, I fucking didn’t,” Kent stated.“Ah, well, you did,” Dax said. “Made me pretty sore actually…”“Shut up.” Kent growled, sticking a finger in his face. “You’re not the one what gets pregnant ‘round here. I’d believe it if it were Nathan who went fuckin’ feral on my cock that night.”“Ooh, let’s not say it like that,” Nathan said, still standing.“Kids are fuckin’ asleep,” Kent said.“Yeah, I’m just not a fan,” Nathan said.“Maybe you’ll be a fan of this.” Kent gave both of them the middle finger. “Fuck this. Whatever you two’re on about, you need to get off the drugs.”“Kent, we’re being serious here,” Nathan said, opening his hands. “I know this is hard to believe, but the night Dax had his little episode, it was because of a chemical he’d ingested that morning. It gave him the ability to get pregnant and made him behave the way he did.”“Fuckin’ drugs,” Kent said shrugging.“I mean, you’re right in that case,” Dax admitted. “But I didn’t take it knowingly. It was mistaken for protein powder.”“You wouldn’t need protein powder if you just ate some fucking meat.” Kent looked at Nathan. “What’s your excuse?”“We didn’t know Dax was pregnant but we came to an agreement that we wanted to have another child, just the two of us,” Nathan said. “So, I’m pregnant.”Kent scowled at Dax. “You fucked the wolf?”“I absolutely did not,” Dax said.“Only the wolf can get pregnant.”“You would know. You’re the one who fucked the wolf last year,” Dax said.“As a bear!”“That’s still fucking weird, buddy.”Kent growled. “It is not! Animals are animals!”“Two very different animals…”“Boys. Calm down,” Nathan said. He sat back down beside Dax and took his hand. “The wolf was fertilised by in vitro fertilisation. Eggs were removed under anaesthesia—”“Drugs,” Kent commented, to prove his point.“Can you let me finish?” Nathan snapped.Kent just shrugged. “You don’t make sense. My kid’s aren’t even a year old and you want to make another one just for you two, meanwhile limp dick’s supposedly up the creek with another one of mine?”“In cruder terms, sure,” Dax said.“We already discussed this. It’s just how it worked out. We didn’t know Dax was pregnant until after. At the end of the day, it is what it is,” Nathan said. “We’re both pregnant and that’s what’s going on.”Kent sighed started walking away to the kitchen. “…Wasted my money on two packs of beers for shit all, I guess.”Nathan sighed. “Now that that’s over with—”“So, you can come live up here,” Kent stated, turning back to them with a freshly opened drink.Both looked at him. “What?”Kent shrugged and took a long sip of his beer. “If Nathan’s knocked up, there’s no risks, right? You don’t need to be down in that city for the wolf cycles. You can just stay up here.”“First of all, we have jobs,” Nathan said.“Not in the summer,” Kent stated. “And don’t lie to me and tell me you’re gonna go teach when you’re about one day to burstin’.”Nathan scowled. “Second, our doctors are only in the city. We have to be nearby in case of emergencies.”“That ghost fucker was a doctor, no?” Kent said. “He came up here once. He can figure it out again.”“It’s not that simple,” Nathan said. “And Reid’s busy. He’s not going to be visiting. Third, you act like we like hanging out around you.”“You love me,” Kent stated.“I absolutely do not,” Nathan said. “You love me.”Kent just shrugged again. “Makes no sense travellin’ so much. Should just stay here for the summer.”“Oh, really?” Dax said, shook his head. “And you’re going to provide for us? With what? Deer meat and berries?”“You’re having my kid,” Kent said. “Bears eat meat. Kid’s a bear.”“We don’t know that yet,” Dax said.“Either way, you can get whatever fuckin’ food you want in town. If you’re really so damn poor, I’ll fuckin’ buy it for you. I don’t give a shit.”“With what money?” Nathan asked.“With my money,” Kent said. “You got it, don’t you?”They just blinked.“What do you mean?” Nathan asked.“My money,” Kent said, getting up slowly. “You should have it. I left a couple thousand at the cabin when y'all hunted me out.”“The cabin?” Nathan processed it. “The shit hole in the woods?”“Hey. That was my home,” Kent said. “And you’re saying you didn’t get the cash?”“What cash?” Nathan asked, shaking his head. “You never said anything about any cash.”“I left you that letter sayin’ to go watch my garden,” Kent said. “I figured you’d fucking find it!”“I didn’t really go there much,” Nathan said. “Nari watched the garden for me. No one found any money.”“That’s bullshit,” Kent said. “Call your Nari person. Get ‘em to give me my money. Fucker’s probably pocketed it…”“Nari wouldn’t steal your money,” Dax said. “He doesn’t need it.”“I don’t know this fucking Nari,” Kent said. “Call ‘im up right now.”“I can’t, he’s in Europe,” Nathan said.“Don’t tell me in this fancy new future of yours you can’t call other countries,” Kent said.“I just mean he’s probably asleep at this time,” Nathan said, not remembering that Nari was very much a night walker.“Call him now.”Dax just showed them his phone and Nari’s face on the call screen with speakerphone on. “Give it a moment to connect.”After a couple dial tones, an annoyed voice picked up. “…Dax?”“Nari! Hey! Nathan has a question for you,” Dax said. “Do you have a minute?”“Sure…”Nathan sighed. “Hey, Nari. Remember when you used to watch Kent’s garden for me?”“Yes.”“Did you ever go inside the cabin?”“Sometimes. If the sun was really bad…”“Did you ever find anything of particular value in there?”“Mm… Yeah, I guess. There was some money in like a box…”“Oh good. Did you—”“Yeah, something like 200k.”Nathan blinked and then looked over at Kent in shock. “Two hundred thousand dollars?”“Yeah, approximately,” Nari said. “In a box. Why?”“D-Do you have it?” Nathan asked.“Yeah. I figured I’d keep it safer than some trashy cave…”“Um, and you didn’t think to tell me about it?”“Honestly, I sort of just forgot about it,” Nari asked. “Why? Do you want it?”“Uh, yeah! I’m with Kent right now, and he wants his money,” Nathan said.“Okay. Well it’s in a savings account. Do you want me to wire it? I might have to be in Canada though…”“Can you just send me a screenshot? We can figure out the transfer later.”“Alright.”“Okay. Um, thanks Nari.”“No problem. I will be hanging up now.”“Okay, bye!”Nari hung up and Nathan took a breath.“How do you have that much money?” Nathan asked, staring at Kent.“I saved for twenty years,” Kent said.“How did you make ten thousand dollars a year eating animals in the ravine?” Nathan asked.“Big gun back home was always trying to buy my father’s property. Never wanted to sell it, but the farm wasn’t profiting. When I had to run, I needed some money, so I sold. When I got here, I also sold furs from the meat I ate and some furniture I made,” Kent said. “Didn’t need to buy food, so I just saved it for tools and things…”“Has Nari sent the photo?” Dax asked.Nathan checked his phone and then showed Dax the screen where it showed a screenshot for a bank account with a balance of $263’050.“I wanted you to find it and put that towards my kids if I died,” Kent stated.“Kent, that’s a lot of fucking money,” Nathan said. “You should’ve been clearer in your letter if you wanted me to find that.”“I imagine you don’t have a bank account, do you?” Dax asked.“Fuck no.”Dax rubbed Nathan’s shoulder. “What do we do? Cash out as soon as possible so Kent can have his money?”“Keep it,” Kent said.“What?” Nathan asked. “Kent, it’s your money.”“I gave it to ya to keep safe and to support my kids,” Kent said. “Plus, I never felt good about selling that farm for so little… Feels like dirty money.”“I’m sure you want some cash though,” Dax said. “Let’s be honest.”Kent shrugged. “Okay… 10k’ll do me fine.”“10k. Still leaves us with a quarter of a million dollars…” Nathan said, just staring at the screenshot. “Are you sure you don’t want more? This makes me feel weird…”“Listen. I saved that cash expectin’ I’d need to use it to leave the country or something if the feds found me,” Kent said. “But my kids are more important now. I can make my own money. I always have.”Nathan looked to Dax who just shrugged. “We were worried about our finances with two more on the way and parental leave…”“Yeah, you need it more than me,” Kent said.“Well…” Nathan rubbed the back of his neck. “This is ridiculously generous, coming from you… But, if you’re giving me this money for the kids, then… We can keep it in the savings account for them. I won’t touch it for myself.”Kent nodded. “Fine by me.”“Well, we could just make it 250k even, take out the extra,” Dax suggested. “You know, just for now…”“Listen,” Kent said placing his hands on a shoulder each. “I’m askin’ you to stay here with me for some time. Just so I can get the chance to be there for someone havin’ my kids. I never could before. Not the first time. Not the last time.”Dax looked to Nathan and Nathan sighed.“Kent… You understand we plan to raise all these kids, and we’re not going to discriminate with ‘this kid is mine, that one’s yours’, none of that,” Nathan said. “So, if you’re serious about being a part of all this, you need to commit to all the kids, not just your blood. Can you do that?”Kent looked Dax and Nathan each up and down, pausing for a moment on Nathan’s midsection before looking him right in the eyes. “I can do that. Kid of yours is a kid of mine.”Nathan nodded smiling fondly. “Good.”Kent tilted his head to Dax. “Now if celery stick goes off and has someone else’s kids, that’s not my problem.”Dax shook his head. “That won’t be a problem.”Nathan stepped between them and took Kent’s shoulder. “Kent. I’m very serious about this. You’re entering a relationship with both of us. If you genuinely don’t like Dax, you need to say so right now, because the name calling is unacceptable. Insulting his dietary choices is also unacceptable.”Kent looked a bit taken aback, and he put a hand through his hair. “I… Listen, I figure you understand…”“Nathan, it’s fine…” Dax said, placing his hand on his boyfriend’s shoulder.“No. I get that you’re from another time, Kent, but Dax and I established a relationship on communication,” Nathan said. “That means communicating our feelings. I know you haven’t known us very long, but you’ve managed to communicate your feelings about me to me in your own way. I need you to do the same for Dax. If you don’t want to be in a relationship with him, then there’s no relationship to be had with us beyond co-parenting.”Kent shook his head. “I like Dax, alright? I just… This three in one situation… I’m not used to that… People didn’t do that ‘round where I’m from.”“I’m sure they did, they just never had a reason to tell you about it,” Nathan stated. He patted Kent’s cheek. “Anyway, that’s good enough for me, but it’s Dax’s opinion that matters.”Dax patted Kent’s shoulder. “I like you too, bear boy.”Kent just turned away. “Is this over? Can I go check on the twins?”“Be my guest,” Nathan said. “We’ll just put our stuff in the loft.”“The loft?” Kent asked.Nathan nodded. “Yeah. It’s a bit stiff so we brought some blankets—”Dax nudged his arm. “I think he expects us to sleep in his bed.”Kent flushed red. “No, I—You can sleep wherever you fucking want!”Nathan grinned. “Aw, I didn’t think you’d warm up that quickly.”“I’m not! I just, you did last time, so I figured you might want to this time…”“We slept in your room as a result of other activities that night,” Nathan said. “But if you want it to be the norm, it’s fine, it’s big enough for now. Maybe not when we’re further along…”“I’m sure 250k can help get a bigger bed…” Dax suggested.Kent shook his head. “Do what you want to!” He then stormed off to go check on the twins, leaving the couple amused.“He still needs time,” Nathan said, going to sit back down.“He may be older, but he’s still just a baby gay,” Dax concurred joining him.“Baby bi,” Nathan reminded. “Let’s not erase his past.”“Baby Sbice,” Dax joked. “What does that make us?” Nathan asked.“Hm…” Dax paused to think. “Got it. Sgayry Spice and Sportop Spice.”“One, racist. And two, you are not a top,” Nathan said.“I went with Scary because you’re a werewolf…”“Wow, okay. Insensitive. You’re still not a top.”“I can be… And no Spice Girl works with vers or switch.”“Yeah…” -- source link
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