profeminist:peppermonster:dark-cootie:profeminist:peppermonster:Workin on my Feminist Punk Thor vest
profeminist:peppermonster:dark-cootie:profeminist:peppermonster:Workin on my Feminist Punk Thor vest. Male tears empower me. #feminism #feminist #thor #femalethor #ladythor #girlthor #fightslikeagirl #leather #embroidery #patchwork #punkvestWhat is this shit? Are females so damned lacking in creativity that they can’t even make their own heroes? Thor, the male thunder god of Norse mythology, is his name, and not a title. If this is a Marvel dimension where the Thor charcter was born a female, that is fine. But in a story where a woman is taking over the position formerly held by Thor, SHE DOESN’T GET TO TAKE HIS FUCKING NAME! So I agree with one of the pics saying, “not she thor… lady Thor… Thorita.” But not “Thor” either. Make up your own damned name.More and more, feminist are overtly acting like spoiled, 4yr old brats who throw a tantrum until they get their way, no matter how ludicrous the request.I remember my little sister throwing a fit because i was allowed to stand up to pee. Determined to get her way, despite being told many times “no” and why not, she took a toilet paper roll as a “guide” in her best attempt at “doing it better”. I don’t know if she cried so hard to avoid trouble from the mess she made, because she got piss all over herself, or because of how embarassed she was for doing something so stupid, but she certainly didn’t admit that females can’t do male things.Make your own thunder god/dess, and name him/her/it whatever you want, but quit stealing other peoples shit and trying to change it, you unoriginal hacks.Hi, you don’t seem to know who I am, so let me explain. I’m the one who is making that vest, and I’m Marvel’s Thor.I actually modeled as The Mighty Thor on the cover of issue #1 and am a long time Thor fan and reader. I wrote the letter in the back of issue #1, I was on Marvel Live as Thor, I have competed as Thor, and promoted for Funko as Thor.You seem to be a little confused over a great deal number of things, and in your hate filled tirade you not only made an ass of yourself, but you made it clear you are not well versed in comics. Let me explain. Thor is a comic book character. He isn’t real. Just starting off there. He first appeared in Marvel Comics in 1962 Journey into Mystery #83. He is not -in any regards- a representation of the Norse God Thor any more than Hercules (from Marvel as well) is a representation of the Greek demi-god. Thor Odinson is an alien, and the title of “Thor” has been held by several people throughout Marvel Comics over the years, notably Eric Masterson. Many have picked up the hammer over the years, a horse headed Alien, a frog, Wonder Woman in a DC crossover, etc, meaning many have been worthy, even women. This time it was Jane Foster, and like Eric before, she has taken on the title of “Thor” for the time being. (You might not be aware of this, but nothing -nothing- in comics is permanent except Uncle Ben’s death)She is Thor. Not She-Thor or Lady-Thor or Thora. Just Thor. This was done so as to not imply she is some kind of female approximation, a stand in, a watered down female equivalent. She isn’t a side-kick, or a Thor-girl. Like Eric before her, she is JUST Thor, gender irrelevant. “Thor” is not JUST a name, it is a title. Like the Dread Pirate Roberts, the name is bigger than the man himself. What started as a name became a mantel due to his great deeds.Where is your righteous indignation over Eric being Thor? If your outrage truly is about the appropriation of his name and that being a disservice to him and his historical counterpart, and not just you being a sexist little shit and attacking Jane because she is a woman, you should equally object to Eric taking Thor’s name. Where is your rant about that? Link me. I’ll wait. Now, your argument that we are a bunch of “unoriginal hacks”….well, an all male team of writers, editors, artists, and colorists came up with this. So if you feel there is someone to blame for this being in any way uninspired, it wouldn’t be women, sweetie, it would be men. Look to Jason Aaron, he is the author, the writer, and the one who came up with this. He is a man. He is a feminist. He is also a giant bearded mountain of a man who doesn’t have time for your piss-boy whining about how you don’t wanna share your sandbox with us icky girls.The Mighty Thor is a woman. Deal with it. Thor Odinson is still kicking around the comics with a kick-ass metal arm an a giant ax, while Jane is saving the world as Thor. So, are you gonna cry about X-23 being Wolverine now? Gwen Stacy being Spider-Gwen? Carol Danvers being Captain Marvel? OH WHEN WILL THE INDIGNITY END, you cry. But your cries fall on deaf ears, because, sweetie, no one gives a SHIT what you think. BYE!!!NORMALLY I WOULD SAY, “DON’T FEED THE TROLLS,” BUT WE KNOW THOR DOESN’T HAVE ANY PROBLEM FIGHTING TROLLS! ‘SPECIALLY ONLINE ONES! -- source link
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