20th Anniversary MA Event - Fourth Week Activity From November 23 to November 30 Wednesday - Let&rsq
20th Anniversary MA Event - Fourth Week Activity From November 23 to November 30 Wednesday - Let’s talk about shipsHello everyone!Today we cover a topic everyone loves and everyone’s also very passionate about. We all have our OTPs, but what I would like to share is a list of pairings that have been included in the canon one way or another. I did my best to think about all the possibilities but I’m probably forgetting some of them, so I invite you to add more pairings or talk about your favorite ones!See the list and comments under the cut.YuurixWolf (Novels 1-17)Officially engaged. Starts with a one sided love from Wolfram towards Yuuri. They soon form a family alongside Greta and their bond kept growing stronger and stronger, by the latest volumes and special chapters there’s a lot of mentions about them acting/living as a married couple. Yuuri and Wolfram are mentioned many times in main volumes, specials and Drama CDs as each other’s husband or wife. They share their royal suit and other characters recognize them and respect their space. Wolfram’s a popular choice in the canon’s poll of who His Majesty will end with.ConrartxJulia (Novels 1-4, Gaiden 1)Confirmed being one sided Conrart towards Julia. During the first volumes there’s a lot of development that leads us to think there’s a big love story between these two characters, but later we get more information about Julia’s secret relationship with Adalbert and their mutual love that uncovers that their engagement was not only political, but involved feelings as well.ConrartxYuuri (Novels 1-17)Strongly implied during the first volumes until Conrart disappears, it becomes complicated after that when he’s back as a traitor and loses his place as the confidant and bodyguard of Yuuri being replaced by Wolfram and Jozak. It can be considered one sided love from Conrart towards Yuuri (he’s been rejected a couple of times directly or indirectly by Yuuri, for example in Misepan Part 2 mini novel) but there are scenes of tension and also romantic scenes between them. Conrart seems very conflicted since Yuuri’s Julia’s reincarnation, even so he supports his brother’s engagement since the first novels and has even encouraged Yuuri during personal chats about the topic. Conrart’s a popular choice in the canon’s poll of who His Majesty will end with. ConrartxJozak (Novels 1-17)Mostly Jozak joking around and Conrart going along with it when he feels like it. They don’t seem to have actual feelings involved at all. They know each other since they’re very young so there’s some closeness and also they don’t have the pressure of a noble status and social barriers. But we can notice in some specials and extras that Conrart is not as friendly with Jozak as he is with him, and their relationship gets pretty bad after Conrart is revealed as a traitor. Sadly there’s not that much developtment after that because Conrart is not yet back to Shin Makoku in the novels. In Drama CDs that can be considered around the latest or future timeline, it seems their relationship is fixed in a similar way as with Yuuri and Conrart, you can’t erase the past but forgive and keep going, they remain friends.JozakxYuuri (Novels 1-17 and specials)All teasing and jokes because Jozak is like thatm, but they also have some very emotional chapters after Seisakoku’s arc that are not actually romantic but add to their deep relationship. Jozak’s a choice in the canon’s poll of who His Majesty will end with.JozazxGwen/Ani (Novels 1-17, mostly side stories and Drama CD 73)Unrequited feelings from Jozak towards Gwendal and Anissina. She was his first interest as soon as he met her, she confuses him with Gwendal because he was tall and hugs him from behind, making him fall for the pretty short lady. He changes his mind very fast due to her personality, but he comments again about some interest later in different moments. His interest in Gwendal seems steadier and mixed with a lot of respect and admiration, plus their complications due their boss/employee relationship. Jozak is very close to Gwendal and tends to break the line of social status pretty often to get more friendlier with him. JozakxMurata (Hints mostly in Drama CDs 71 and 73)This looks like something pretty new, mostly developed by the manga and later included in the newest Drama CDs with some hints here and there. Jozak and Murata develop a kind of dramatic relationship during the Seisakoku arc, later mutating into a relationship that resembles the one of Yuuri and Conrart during the first volumes of the series. It seems Jozak is the designated bodyguard for Murata in the latest part of the story, but we are not able to see much about this yet due to the hiatus. During their first encounter Murata and Jozak do say some flirty lines about each other, extended by the adaptation in the Drama CD with extra canon bits written by T-sensei. So, in the end it seems it’s new but not that new. GwendalxYuuri (Novels 1-17)Big misunderstanding from Nicola’s side during the first novels that carries out as a strong rumor during the series, and a comedic gag. Yuuri was intimidated by Gwendal at first so this is shocking for him, but later they develop a very good relationship and friendship so it’s still a misunderstanding Yuuri doesn’t want to hear about, but less shocking at least. Still, Wolfram is very concerned about his dear brother stealing his fiancé. Gwendal’s a popular choice in the canon’s poll of who His Majesty will end with. GünterxYuuri/Murata (Novels 1-17)He’s insanely in love with soukokus. His one sided love does not border obsession, is just plain obsessive. Even if Günter is dependable, a great teacher and the best fighter of the whole country, he ends up degraded to this comedic relief version of himself as soon as Yuuri sets foot in the other world. He gets some revindication in Seisakoku’s arc, but he mostly fits that position in this story. As soon as Murata enters the picture he has melt down about having two soukokus instead of one. Even if he often shows his strong feelings without containing himself, he’s also shown consideration towards Yuuri’s engagement with Wolfram more than once. Günter’s a choice in the canon’s poll of who His Majesty will end with. GegenhuberxNicola (Novels 1-17)Canon married couple with a baby. We all know about this one xD They resemble Yuuri and Gwendal physically so this keeps adding to the misunderstanding about that pairing haha.DacascosxAmblin (Novels 1-17)Married couple with a daughter, they were close to divorce more than once, if not divorced for a period of time already and remarried or something along these lines (at the bare minimum she left him for a while). The ups and downs of this couple are mentioned casually in the story. AdalbertxJulia (Novels 1-17, more evident after novel 4)First presented as a political engagement with no feelings involved with strong hints of Conrart being the true love of Julia. Later it’s revealed it was not a one sided love from Adalbert towards Julia, they have known each other since a young age when they met secretly and developed feelings for each other. They were aware of these feelings and happy with their engagement, but they had a tragic ending.AdalbertxYuuri (Novels 10-17)After the Dai Shimaron tournament when Conrart reveals to Adalbert that Yuuri has Julia’s soul he starts trying to approach him and shows conflicted feelings. Later in Seisakoku’s arc Adalbert develops into an ally, and after an opportunity to know Yuuri better he seems to recognize Yuuri’s very different from Julia and set his feelings. AdalbertxMaxine (Novels 10-17, mostly Seisakoku’s arc) Also known as “MachoPony” (from Cropped Pony, Maxine’s nickname) as specified by T-sensei, mentioned in a doujinshi, she supports this pairing. Adalbert knows Maxine since he had a young age and since he’s human it was pretty natural he saw him grow fast. They have a strange friendly relationship and keep walking into each other here and there, even working together as mercenaries. By the end of the Seisakoku arc Adalbert seems to remain living with him and Jason and Freddy, the two shinzoku girls they take care of. This pretty much looks like the establishment of a new family for Adalbert and also a new chapter in his life. GiselaxJulia (Novels 1-17)One sided love from Gisela towards Julia. She had very strong feelings for her and it seems she still remains pretty much in love only with Julia at the present time. GiselaxConrart (Novels 5-6)Misunderstanding caused by Wolfram. He gets the impression Gisela is in love with his brother when he travels with her in search for Yuuri, but it’s pretty much rebutted at the same moment he speaks about it with her. She sneakily kind of tells him the one she loved in the past was Julia and not Conrart but Wolfram is unable to understand because he lacks a lot of information about that romantic mess of the past.GwendalxAnissina (Novels 1-17 + Drama CDs)The most canon pairing we have. They know each other since they’re kids and even with the ups and downs they’re clearly inseparable. They have their own chapter as Romeo and Juliet parody, alongside many other scenes that give us details about them being together, including some very explicit sexual details in some Drama CDs. Other characters recognize them, but since most of them are too scared of Anissina they tend not to comment much about it. Cäcilie and Densham, Anissina’s brother, support a marriage between them.CheriexFanfan (Novels 1-17)Current official lover of the ex-queen Cäcilie. Fanfan is a human weapon merchant who helps Yuuri and company many times along the series. Her three sons are not really fond of discussing this relationship out loud and usually look the other way if the topic arises. CheriexChevallier (Novels 1-17)Confirmed one sided love from Chevallier towards Cäcilie in the latest novels, Prison arc. He tells his story about loving her since the first time he saw her when she was very young, and he’s been pretty much stalking her / remaining at her side since then. She’s not aware but she has a good relationship with him as her servant. Gwendal seems to approve of this man. MurataxYuuri (Seen mostly in doujinshis)There’s hints in the main novels, especially during Seisakoku’s arc. Murata’s one sided feelings for him tend to be on the obsessive side of trying to find him and protect him. We can see more clearly his romantic interest in the official doujinhis. He recognized Wolfram as Yuuri’s partner as soon as he appears and it’s stated they’re officially engaged, later showing respect for the royal suit as being owned by both of them and being courteous with Wolfram in that regard.SaraleguixYuuri (Novels 10-17)There’s some tension but this is clearly not even one sided but a trickery from Saralegui. He shows himself flirty most of the time, but he’s always hiding bad intentions in his acting and Yuuri’s very aware of it so it’s like walking over glass while he tries to counter the advances. There’s a lot of mentions by Yuuri about the beauty of Saralgui and his night clothes, and some of these comments remind us of Wolfram but they’re done in a very different way. Also, Saralegui literally wants Yuuri as an exotic pet for his collection, he’s not even human in his eyes. This pairing is usually a comedic gag during specials.Extra:ConrartxKing Berard IV… blame the manga, oh God, blame the manga XD He’s the reason the manga ends with Cornart not going back to Shin Makoku.I just wanted to end with a laugh when I remembered this one hahaha -- source link
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