fialleril:grand-duc:starwarsgif:Your thoughts betray you, Father. I feel the good in you, the confli
fialleril:grand-duc:starwarsgif:Your thoughts betray you, Father. I feel the good in you, the conflict. the only lightsaber fight i care about tbh also wow i just noticed they do the exact same backflip and luke’s fighting style is a mirror of his father’s (luke has three jedi masters pass it on) also intensely amused by the way they’re both clearly trying not to hurt one another (at least at this stage) (the unstoppable rage comes later) especially anakin tho like could you be any more obvious about the fact that you’re aiming to hit his lightsaber and not him star wars luke skywalker anakin skywalker darth vader gif gifset gif warning meta in tags Ok my first thought when looking at this gifset was “oh flinning”. BUT THE WATSONIAN EXPLANATION MAKES SO MUCH MORE SENSE! Especially since yes, they both walked into this situation desperately hopping for an endgame where the other is ok. Luke wants to turn his father back to the light. Anakin is pretty much just praying for Luke to stay alive. And now I wanna know what Palpatine thought of them because they are soooo clearly flinning. Hey! Maybe that’s why Anakin started threatening Leia. I get the feeling that his endgame was to have Luke kill him. That would buy Luke a few safe years and further training from Palpatine. (And Luke is strong, not pathetic like him. Luke is strong willed and self assured. Luke would bide his time and learn and kill Palpatine the moment he was able to. He can do it.)Except Luke is not attacking him, not for real, and the emperor is getting impatient with their silly game so he panics and start aiming for every single soft spots he can sense because “Dammit Luke, fight me! Fight me or you’re going to die!”RE: Palpatine’s thoughts.He already knows that Luke came there to try to turn his father, so he’s probably not surprised by Luke’s ridiculous behavior. (Though, actually, I really wonder what he thought of Luke’s motivation in the first place. I mean, trying to turn a Sith to the Light is not exactly standard Jedi practice. In fact it’s basically never happened before. So that really should have told him something about the kind of opponent Luke would be, but this is Your Overconfidence Is Your Weakness Palpatine, so probably all it told him was that Luke was a sentimental fool.)He also believes that Vader is weak and washed up, but it seems pretty clear from context that he thinks they’re fighting for real and probably to the death. He’s grinning and cackling with delight through the whole thing, so.Actually, my favorite crack theory is that Palpatine just isn’t very good at lightsaber duels. (Prior to ROTS, I imagined that he didn’t even have a lightsaber - just went around frying everyone with lightning. I may or may not be still a little peeved that they gave him a lightsaber in ROTS.) He’s ridiculously theatrical in his own fighting style, and he seems to prefer other methods of fighting/killing over lightsabers in the first place. Pretty sure he doesn’t even have a lightsaber in the OT. (New headcanon that the lightsaber in ROTS wasn’t even his? Or it was just a random artifact he had lying around, and he thought, “Eh, why not?” Hmmm. Maybe.)But can you imagine? What if he’s watching them flinning it up, and the whole time he thinks he’s actually watching a duel to the death? (I mean, it did kind of turn into that for real there at the end, so he wasn’t entirely wrong.) -- source link
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