Re: wyb calling xz “gege” in the clip just posted:If you hadn’t figured out why WW
Re: wyb calling xz “gege” in the clip just posted:If you hadn’t figured out why WWX calling LWJ “Lan-2-gege” was noteworthy, check out the top answers to these asks. Broadly speaking, you’ll rarely ever hear a young straight dude call his slightly-older friend “gege”, so in every BTS clip where wyb called xz gege, he was speaking tongue-in-cheek.For example, among coworkers of the same age group, apart from the general purpose “ge”, a guy younger than wyb might call him Wang-ge. Someone a little more familiar might call him Yibo-ge, and another guy on even better terms might call him Bo-ge.An exception to the one-way age difference requirement is in Chongqing, xz’s hometown, where a speaker who’s older may also address a younger guy they’re close to using the last character in his name plus “-ge”. This memorable occasion in SDoC3 has been thoroughly analyzed by shippers:Considering everyone else in the room is older than wyb, his instinctive reaction upon hearing “Bo-ge” shouldn’t be to assume it’s directed at himself, unless someone older than him has a habit of calling him that, or he’s been hanging around a very close friend from Chongqing quite recently.Between 2:33 to 3:18 of this clip, you can hear what xz sounds like when he repeatedly calls him Bo-ge. Don’t miss the infamous fan-whack at 3:45.Heterosexual males who’re super close pals are more likely to call each other “son” (an insult only suited for really good buddies). Especially in college dorms, you’ll often hear boys refer to themselves as their roommate’s “dad”. This Youtube explains in detail why Chinese men do it, and if you want to take it up a notch, you can call yourself your buddy’s “grandpa”.It’s on the record that one time when xz met up with his classmates from CTBU for dinner, he drank yogurt while the rest of the bunch had beers, and he waited until his friend got sloshed before coaxing the guy to call him 爸爸 “Dad”.This is also why Chinese shippers highlight the occasions where xz and wyb designated each other as a “good friend”. Ella Chen, co-host with wyb on Produce 101, revealed in an interview that “good friend” is showbiz code for someone they’re in a relationship with but not yet ready to make public. Of course, not all “good friends” are romantically involved, but the fact that no one has ever heard xz or wyb call themselves the other’s “dad” [even jokingly, despite being close enough to cuss and scuffle with a telling lack of boundaries], is a significant indicator. -- source link