hypnoticswitch: thesecretsubject:kallie-den:hypdom:This post is about Feather, a new sleep hyp
hypnoticswitch: thesecretsubject: kallie-den: hypdom: This post is about Feather, a new sleep hypnosis file from Mistress Magenta and NeuralNetsandPrettyPatterns ( @mistressmagenta and @neuralnetsandprettypatterns ). The file comes in two versions, one for men and one for women. The long form of Feather contains some pretty standard induction methods and addictive phrases as described in the original content warning above. However, it also contains the following text: 12:25 “I like you forgetting things that aren’t me” 12:32 “Cause I really like how you worship me” 12:38 “Maybe you’re gonna forget tonight” 12:42 “Maybe other women (men)” 12:46 “I like that” 12:52 “You don’t need those other women (men) in your life” 12:57 “You don’t need to remember their numbers” 13:01 “You don’t need to remember their names” 13:22 “I’m gonna stroke the underside of your cock (pussy), but it’s gonna make you forget” 13:38 “You’re gonna forget those other women (men)” 13:43 “They are never as good as me” 13:56 “When you try to remember their voice what was it like again? It’s hard to remember” 14:01 “I’m stroking it all away” This text is intended to replace the women/men in the subject’s life with the hypnotist. This is objectionable, because it is not indicated in the warnings that the selective amnesia will also attempt to erase your real-life relationships and replace them with the hypnotist. The file concludes with: 16:16 “No one else can make that pattern” 16:30 “Now when you cum for me, you really will forget. All the other women (men). They all seem so pointless. You just need the best now.” 17:06 “You can keep me inside you, you can have all the attention. It feels dreamy good” 18:10 “Even when you wake up, this tiny part of your mind, oh let me tickle it, this tiny part of your mind remembers it. And when you see a feather you need it. You crave it. You want it. And you drop. You can’t forget that.” This attempts to reinforce and make permanent the text in the middle of the file and connect the listener even further to the hypnotist by replacing their existing relationships. This file, if effective, could be incredibly damaging and cause real-world harm to the listener. In the past day, I’ve heard from people in the NNPP community who are 1) against this file, 2) want to just ignore this file, or 3) want the whole issue to go away. The defenses of this file have included 1) it has a content warning! – The CW indicates addiction and selective amnesia, not replacement and deletion of RL relationships which means it was intentionally obscured from the user. 2) Only listening to something once won’t hurt you - True. But remember, this file is for overnight listening and its about 20 minutes, so that’s 24 times in one session. That could cause real damage to someone. 3) These are just a few sentences in the file! - No, I have the whole file. I have listened to it and I’m a trained hypnotist with over 10 years of experience. I know what this file can do and the script includes many phrases to reinforce and support what I’ve supplied here. 4) Isolated incident! This is the only file with an issue - NNPP claims he is the creator of MindMelter, which was created by petruccio, who had an infamous history online of repeated hypnotic abuse. There is a speculative masterpost about that history. If true, he owns that history. 5) People on the NN community know what they’re in for! Its known as a dark place - if that were true, why have so many people in that community been speaking to me about their concerns. Also, if that’s true, then this file should be no surprise to that community. That doesn’t appear to be the case. 6) You’re just a white knight with something to gain! - So far from the truth that it’s nearly laughable. I certainly will lose many things by posting this. I will lose friends, I will lose followers, and I may lose subjects as well. All I gain from posting this is the clear conscience that I have spoken out against a practice that breaks consent through damaging suggestions, may cause real damage to people, and damages the reputation of the hypnosis community. If people have questions, you know how to reach me. As far I can tell, seeing it from NNPP’s perspective, there’s no way his actions are defensible or make sense. Lemme go through most simple, natural possibilities: 1) These files work. In that case, what he’s done is so obviously wrong it’s unbelievable, because he’s subjecting people to suggestions that will fuck up their relationships and their mental state, without giving them any warning at all. No warning means there’s no possibility of any kind of consent or safety. So if he thinks his files work, he’s unquestionably wrong and abusive. 2) These files don’t work. OK, well, if they don’t work, why is he so insistent that they do? As you can see in that first screenshot, he’s totally maintaining that this file is designed to genuinely ‘fuck you up.’ There’s absolutely no suggestion he sees this as anything else than real. You might think he’s just playing a character, and that admitting this is fake would ‘break the fantasy’ or something. But in that case, what he’s doing is still wrong, because he’s talking about and doing kink without making any attempt to distinguish fantasy from reality, or to properly inform people about what hypnosis is and how to do it safely. That’s not good. You might think it’s more complicated than ‘these files work’ or ‘these files don’t’. But actually it’s not, because if these files work on anyone, ever, they work. That’s the most important thing to understand. And they do, as we know from people like @thesecretsubject who have come forward about that, and from so many experiences that so many of us who are hypnokinky have had. I’d like to share something that has been posted in NNPP’s server multiple times by moderators as representing the overall policy of the server (and presumably therefore, of NNPP himself), including in response to recent events: I’d like to draw attention to a particular line: “We believe that subjects under hypnosis can still resist, bring themselves up, disagree with suggestions and set limits for themselves.” I think this is deeply troubling. All subjects? All subjects, all the time? For this to be the “excuse” NNPP needs it to be, this has to be absolutely universally true, and it is not. It clearly is not, we know it isn’t. Anyone who’s been in this community and actually cares about it knows that it’s just not as simple and easy as that. Hypnosis can hurt people. It can cause negative reactions. Once again, The Secret Subject has described her own recent experiences of that in relation to NNPP’s content. So once you see how false and facile that line is, it all falls into place. NNPP believes hypnosis is real, but only if the subject allows it to be. In his view, the subject holds all the power. Nothing bad happens unless the subject allows it, therefore if something bad does happen, it’s the subject’s fault. The hypnotist isn’t responsible. NNPP isn’t responsible. That’s what this obsession with ‘personal responsibility’ boils down to. It’s just a way for NNPP to say that he can do whatever he wants and none of the consequences are on him. That attitude in kink sickens me. It makes me ashamed to call myself a hypnotist and a dominant. I agree. Two classes I had this week, one lecture was on ethics in psychology and consent and the other was on victim blaming. Both I had an opportunity to mediate on yesterday and reflect about what I’ve been learning in my psych journey. Now I am in no way a victim of anything but for those who do react badly to this kind of thing the idea of then saying, “This is all your fault!” Is gaslighty and points blame in a serious way imo. In the moment they are having a reaction to something they are already vulnerable and saying that could make them believe that as a fact and could potentially lead to mental health issues. I honestly don’t think it’s too much to ask people to do their research and just think about what you are writing in scripts and that’s all the matter boils down to for me. I’m not trying to bash anyone or point fingers, I’m just saying that as hypnotists, NLP practitioners and Dominants we need to think about the effect we could have on people with what we say. Knowledge is power, words are power. And with that power you have the responsibility to own what you make. If you don’t want to take ownship of the consequences don’t post the file. I hoped to be done with this topic, but as you can see on my last post I’m still not able to stay cam on this. This post by hypdom as well as the replies her are putting my concerns into words much better than I have before. And I feel it’s important. Hence the reblog. what i really want such an affect and want to listedn the the file where can i find it -- source link
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