Gypsy Curse [my favorite]porn horror story My story begins nearly one hundred years ago, in Rom
Gypsy Curse [my favorite]porn horror story My story begins nearly one hundred years ago, in Romania. I am Aishe of the Roma - commonly known as Gypsies (though I personally find this term degrading). When I was only 14 years old, I was arranged into a marriage with a man named Stefan. He was considered a powerful Roma sorcerer, so it was a great honor for my family to have our lineage linked to his. Stefan was not a good lover, and perhaps that is what lead me to start having affairs on him with other women. I was a pretty girl at 14, and blossomed into an even more attractive woman. I have dark skin and even darker eyes, my hair is as black as midnight and has natural curls. The roma women were always more open with their sexuality then other women of the time, and I found little difficulty in seducing them. Stefan was away often, as his duties called him to travel around the countryside, leaving me plenty of time to indulge my pleasures with other women. This went on for years, and Stefan never seemed the wiser.Finally, as was inevitable, Stefan caught me. He came home early from a sojourn in the countryside to remove a curse from a farmer’s lands. When he came into my tent, he found my face between the thighs of another young woman, Tsura. His eyes lit up in rage, and I felt certain that my betrayal would cost us both our lives. Stefan was more cruel then that, however, and had something worse in mind.He pointed at me and started chanting in an angry, commanding voice in some ancient dialect. The wind literally started blowing in the tent, and I could feel spasms of pain wrack my body as his chanting became louder. Tsura was screaming the entire time, while I clutched my stomach and was begging him to stop, tears in my eyes.After what seemed like forever, it all stopped. Stefan was silent. I felt my body was somehow different, and there was a strange hunger in my belly. Tsura was too scared to move, and was sitting up, crying.“I have given you the curse of the Vampire, Aishe. I hate you enough to make you suffer for a very long time. However,” he snarled. “I have added my own twist. As you seem to like the taste of women, you will only gain sustenance from consuming their most sacred flesh.”What was he saying?“In this way, I will be punishing you, and you will be a punishment to all women.”My tongue felt the bottom of my teeth. They were all pointed! I turned to Tsura, and saw her moist sex glistening with my own saliva. The hunger overtook me, and I lunged at her. She screamed as I sunk my teeth into her sex, and I rent it asunder, literally devouring her most sensitive parts. The brutal assault had the effect on me that was needed, it satiated my hunger. However, Tsura was dead, killed by shock.Stefan laughed. “Run Aishe, run far away. Never return to this place.”I ran.Withing the first few nights, I discovered some new things about myself. All my teeth were pointed, so I had to be careful that when I talked it was in such a way that nobody could see them - which was made easier by the fact that I could only function at night. Daylight was not fatal to me, but it was exremely uncomfortable and therefore something to be avoided.There were some positive aspects to this curse. My body healed very quickly, and I posessed great strength and speed. When I caught someones eye they seemed “charmed” in such a way that they were more susceptible to simple commands. As I would learn as the years stretched on, I has also ceased to physically age.There was a price for all this. Stefan had made sure that this was no blessing, but a curse.The hunger was not a daily thing, which was good. I could spend a month or more after a good feed not needing more - but the hunger built up steadily until it needed to be sated. I learned quickly enough to feed when it was required of me. If I let it build up too much, I would go feral like I did with Tsura, and cause more death. There was no need to kill anyone.It was the external genitalia of women that was my sustenance. Nothing else. They had to be alive or very recently dead for me to gain any sustenance from them. Age was also a factor, I could gain the most nourishment from a young nubile woman then from one more aged (I never fed from anyone under the age of adulthood). The most important factor was size. I knew from my lesbian encounters that women were all built differently, and it made a huge difference to me now. A woman with a small clit and labia would sate me for perhaps a week, whereas one with very large genitals could sustain me for a month. I wanted to inflict the least amount of misery as I could, so I resolved to hunt those that would satisfy me the most. My sense of smell was refined in this regard as well. I could literally “smell” the size of a woman when I was near her.AnnaIt had been a week since I had left my old life. Travelling supernaturally fast, I had made a good distance from my old home, sleeping in old barns and anywhere else I could hide away from the daylight. It was at one such barn that I came across Anna.I smelled her as I woke up from my days rest. She was in the barn with me sweeping it out. I was hiding behind some hay, and she had not noticed me. That was about to change.The barn was lit only by lamplight, and I stepped out from the shadows to catch her eye. She noticed me at once, and looked surprised, but I locked her gaze before she could scream. Her eyes remained transfixed on mine.“What is your name?” I asked.“Anna.”“That is a very pretty name. I want you to be calm, Anna.”She nodded, eyes still wide and focused on mine. I felt the hunger inside me. I could smell her sex from where I stood. It was intoxicating. Damn you Stefan!“Undress.” I said. What was I doing?I needed to see the object of my desire. I stepped closer to her as she began to take her clothes off.Anna was a pretty girl, perhaps in her young twenties. She was not a skinny child, though I would think of her as having more of a large frame then being actually fat. Big doe eyes. When her simple dress dropped to the ground I saw her impressive breasts.“All of it.” I commanded. She had an underdress on, which now also fell to the floor. I was standing next to her now, and the smell of her sex was making me worry about loss of control. She still had not spoken since she said her name - my command of her was impressive (I would discover that some people were very susceptible to my charm. The weak of will would literally do anything I asked, whereas the stronger ones were more likely to break my control).I did not want to kill her, and I brought equipment with me to help in this regard.“Lie Down”. It was the last command I would need to speak to her.When she did what I asked, I tried very hard not to think about the object of my desire and to take control of this situation. Using some thin rope I had stolen I tied her hands together, then to a metal stake that I pushed into the ground with my own new strength. I did the same with her legs - although I tied them spread eagle (requiring 2 stakes). I worked preternaturally fast, but by the time I was done she had snapped out of my charm.“Who…. Who are you? What are you doing to me?” She wasn’t screaming, but was completely terrified.“Please, you have something I need. I won’t kill you, but you have to be still. Is there anyone in the house?”She looked at me with those big eyes, her huge tits hanging on either side of her. “My husband is there. Oh please don’t hurt me!”Good. Someone to come for her once I was done. I nodded my thanks and gagged her with a cloth. She barely resisted, but now tears were streaming down her face.I finally knelt between her legs to see the object of my desire. It was beautiful! She has large lopsided labia, smaller on one side then the other. Her clitoris looked huge in it’s sheath, as though waiting for me to kiss it. I thought of how much her husband must love her sex, and how cruel it was of me to take it away from her.She was whimpering in her gag as I brought my mouth in close to her enormous genitalia. I licked at her clit, it was wonderful! The taste was better then anything I had ever experienced. I was not going to use my monsterous teeth on her though. As good as that was, I had no fine control of it. I had to be precise.I had a thin but very sharp dagger I had stolen from a merchant. When I withdrew it, her eyes grew wide with fear and her head started shaking left to right. She was screaming into the gag.“I am sorry. There was a time when I would have made you very happy, Anna. But I need this to live.”I started with the labia. Moving the knife up to under the shorter left side, I cut the entire thing off in one stroke. Anna was screaming harder into the gag, her huge tits bouncing across her chest as she thrashed around.I quickly consumed that part of her, but it was not enough. Not nearly enough.The right side was next. It was larger, but I could take it off quickly enough. Again I took the knife to her labia, and cut it in a stroke, and her scream continuted unabated. She was slamming the back of her head into the barn floor and her body was trying to do everything in it’s power to escape. Her eyes were shut in pain, but tears squeezed out of them.It was a feast! It still took just one swallow to consume the giant piece of flesh, but it felt so good!I was hoping at this point I could be full enough to leave her at least her clit, but there was no way I was getting that kind of control over myself. I knew now that I was taking everything from this poor girl.I looked into the bloody mess of her sex to see her clit had become erect. I grabbed it with my forefinger and thumb and pulled on it gently. There was a few inches of erect clit in my hands. Part of me longed to suck on it, to give her pleasure - but the hunger just wanted it consumed. Anna’s eyes had opened again and over quiet whimpers her large doe eyes simply pleaded with me to stop.I could not. Her clit didn’t want to leave her body as easily as the labia did. Even with my strength it took 2 strokes to get the clit out. While cutting, her eyes, shot open and a horrible whimper came from her gagged mouth, and she passed out mercifully from shock.The wormlike bloody thing in my hand was quickly consumed. A moment of pure bliss overtook me, and then it was over. The hunger was sated.I worked fast on Anna to make sure she lived. I had a herbal salve that I smeared into her ruined sex. It was a blood coagulant, and worked very quickly. The blood stopped flowing, and I just sat there between her legs in mute shock at what I had become. -- source link
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