mrchicsaraleo:hisiheyah:hisiheyah:hisiheyah:I like those Pokemon variants crossed with other Pokemon
mrchicsaraleo:hisiheyah:hisiheyah:hisiheyah:I like those Pokemon variants crossed with other Pokemon as much as the next person but have you considered: Bulbasaur cultivars.You, too, should learn about the history of selective breeding in the wild mustard plant!It has come to my attention that I used a faulty diagram for my source (not the one in the above article), so I must issue a correction: a turnip bulbasaur would be B. rapa and not B. oleracaea. Same genus, different species. Sorry turnipsaur, you belong on a different diagram.@ everyone on twitter telling me that turnipsaur is upside-down: whatever do you mean, they just grow this way@catharticboredom -- source link