classicalmonuments:Temple of AugustusPula, Croatia27 BCE14 m highCorinthianDedicated to the first Ro

classicalmonuments:Temple of AugustusPula, Croatia27 BCE14 m highCorinthianDedicated to the first Ro
classicalmonuments:Temple of AugustusPula, Croatia27 BCE14 m highCorinthianDedicated to the first Ro
classicalmonuments:Temple of AugustusPula, Croatia27 BCE14 m highCorinthianDedicated to the first Ro
classicalmonuments:Temple of AugustusPula, Croatia27 BCE14 m highCorinthianDedicated to the first Ro
classicalmonuments:Temple of AugustusPula, Croatia27 BCE14 m highCorinthianDedicated to the first Ro
classicalmonuments:Temple of AugustusPula, Croatia27 BCE14 m highCorinthianDedicated to the first Ro