Another ‘what if my OCs were pokemon trainers?’ exercise. Rich kid Cornelius up
Another ‘what if my OCs were pokemon trainers?’ exercise. Rich kid Cornelius up today! 'You are challenged by High Ambassador Cornelius! Fancy your ragamuffin team of knuckle-draggers worthy to cross blades with the upper echelons of high society? Cornelius is more collector than trainer, but his rare specimens are nothing to sniff at.’High Ambassador Cornelius Specialty: Water, SteelFinal Challenge of the island nation of Ahjeea Kii is Ambassador Cornelius Montrey. Career politician and master of the wealthiest Ahjeean house, Cornelius is more collector than traditional trainer. Prepare to be dazzled by his carefully-cultivated team of shinies, rare hybrids… even a legendary! Lucky for you, most of his team have been softened by plush mansion life, but beware: they are ALL elite specimens with perfect stats, experience-boosted and backed by the best potions money can buy.Oh. And the honorable Ambassador had a bit of an accident a few years back and isn’t entirely human anymore. I wouldn’t comment on it.——NeptuneEmpoleon | Adamant | Proud of its PowerDefiant | Scald | Mystic WaterOne of Cornelius’ two (yes, two) starters endowed on him by his parents as a boy. Cornelius’ father gifted him the rare frosted egg with the commandment to know adamancy and to cultivate regality. Like his master, Neptune is the natural leader of most any room, but also serious to the point of stuffiness and proud to the point of imperialism.VerdigrisSerperior | Serious | Thoroughly CunningContrary | Giga Drain | Rose IncensePresented alongside the arctic egg was a deep emerald orb, still warm as the steamy jungles from whence it was claimed. This egg was placed in his hand by his mother, who impressed upon her son the twin virtues of grace and cunning. One must always be poised, and behind this display one must always be thinking. V’s style is to allow lordly Neptune the spotlight, then strike like a shadow.JörmungandrGyarados | Rash | StubbornIntimidate | Hurricane | Assault VestEvolved from a coveted black diamond koi magikarp and broken, as gyarados must be, by a professional trainer, Jörm is the original of the ambassador’s bodyguard duo. Cornelius elects his presence during any encounter in which radiating an air of power and intimidation would be advantageous. The threatening, forceful side of politics. Long considered sea gods by Ahjeea’s natives, gyarados are popular symbols of the nation’s aristocracy and feature on the Montrey family’s heraldry. ScyllaMilotic | Careful | VainMarvel Scale | Disarming Voice | Water GemCornelius’ second bodyguard, acquired after his accident. Milotic have a gift for calming emotions and quelling feuds. Her presence is far more socially-acceptable than Jörmungandr’s, and her master keeps her at his side whenever a situation calls for charm, guile, and impression. She is as powerful as her counterpart, in another fashion. And, as any politician knows, more flies are caught by honey than vinegar. She is the diplomatic, reconciliatory side of politics. Unlike Jörm, Cornelius raised Scylla himself from a sickly feebas fry, during the little bout of depression and alcoholism following the accident that cost him his humanity and social standing. Cornelius named her after the beautiful nymph of lore who was turned into a hideous sea monster, presumably in a moment of drunken poetic self-pity regarding his own hated transformation into a half-human half-pokemon mutant mashup. ArthashastraPersian | Sassy | Hates to LoseUnnerve | Assurance | Silk ScarfArtha is a family heirloom, an elderly and elegant feline bred by Cornelius’ great-great-grandmother and passed down generations. She is an exceptionally long-lived persian who is almost certain to pass on in his care. A rare hybrid, Artha combines the exotic Alolan breed with choice Kanto stock. Her Alolan blood gives her a cruel bent. Although the aloof feline has been trained to respond without fail to her family’s command, she does not recognize Cornelius in his mutated form and becomes aggressive.MykonosCobalion | Bold | Quick TemperedJustified | Retaliate | Expert BeltOnce the idyllic island home of many indigenous peoples, Ahjeea was colonized hundreds of years ago and remains in the iron-grip of several powerful houses who vie for dominance. Traditionally, the head of the most influential house is granted supreme powers and represents Ahjeea in the International Congress as High Senator. This position comes with stewardship of Ahjeea’s prized cobalion, an ultra-rare ancient pokemon and symbol of ultimate status and honor. Cornelius held this position for many years, until his rivals used his mutation as an opportunity to dethrone him. At the time, he went down without a fight, but has since come back swinging as the unlikely leader of a minority party. Now particularly despised by the other noble houses, Cornelius further snubbed Ahjeean tradition by declaring his ousting illegitimate and refusing to pass on Mykonos… and there’s not really anything they can do about it. Mykonos and Cornelius share a gift for leadership, an air of command that instantly grants them control of most any room they walk into. Long ago Mykonos defended pokemon from humans, and its conversion into a trophy for the most powerful noblemen is symbolic. Much as its master has done an about-face to challenge the status quo, Mykonos has shaken off its stupor to again wield its powers in defense of the weak. ——Do be advised, this engagement is invite-only… To gain VIP access to the Montrey Mansion you’ll need to do some social-climbing. Defeat the lesser sea-barons of this affluent coastal region for the privilege of your next Final Challenge! -- source link
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