Posted @withrepost • @chr1styharrison The Wellness Diet is the latest iteration of diet culture, and
Posted @withrepost • @chr1styharrison The Wellness Diet is the latest iteration of diet culture, and it’s just as insidious as its predecessors. The sneakiest part about this diet, though, is that it pretends to be about prioritizing health, when in reality it’s about *performing* a rarefied, perfectionistic, discriminatory idea of what health is supposed to look like. ————————————————————————————It’s not just about weight loss, although thinness is an essential part of The Wellness Diet’s supposed picture of health. (So is whiteness, and youth, and physical ability, and wealth.) It’s also about eating the “right” things and removing supposedly “impure” foods from your life. “Clean eating,” detoxes and cleanses, mass hysteria about gluten and grains, and elimination diets prescribed for the general population are all part of The Wellness Diet. They’re ways of demonizing some foods and styles of eating while elevating others, and they force us to be hyper-vigilant about our eating and ashamed of making certain food choices.—————————————————————————————But I call BS. The vast majority of folks don’t need to cut any foods out of their life, but instead would do better to explore the role that disordered eating might be playing in their health outcomes. In reality there’s no such thing as good and bad foods, and The Wellness Diet won’t be sneaking by for much longer. We’re onto this sneaky form of diet culture, and it’s going down!—————————————————————————————If you want to hear more about HAES, intuitive eating, and body liberation, download the latest episode of Food Psych today! To read more about The Wellness Diet, go to—————————————————————————————#haes #intuitiveeating #edrecovery #antidietproject #antidiet #riotsnotdiets #effyourbeautystandards #losehatenotweight #lifebeyonddieting #thelifethief #prorecovery #bodyposi #bodypositive #bopo #foodpsychpod #foodpsych #feminism #healthateverysize #nourishno -- source link
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