LIFE IS BUT A DREAM…NOTHING’S WHAT IT SEEMS! When nature calls, we must answer.
LIFE IS BUT A DREAM…NOTHING’S WHAT IT SEEMS! When nature calls, we must answer. When we are sleepy, we must sleep, when we are tired, we must rest or else. With Pisces as the biggest earth-sky news in the cosmic family right now we are called to witness our lives as a dream. Now starring are the Sun, Mercury, Neptune Chiron, Ceres, and South Node, each and all playing the Pisces role and its Neptunian soul music. We are feeling each other deeply and collectively expressing loudly. But take a look again….nothing is what it seems. In this commentary, I highlight what I consider natural misunderstandings, contradictions and confusions around the planet and spirit of Neptune and how the male analysis distorts it in his-story and theories of Astrology. As I write this, it is naturally unfolding through the lens of my YOLA (the Yoga of Living Astrology) and “ReBirth of the Mother” philosophies and concepts. Since it is also Women’s history month, the opposition of Jupiter in Virgo to the stellium in Pisces evoked within me a critical and intuitive curiosity and drive to explore astrology and the history of women. It is my intention to contribute to a new dialogue that shifts the vibrational perspective and shatters the old myths and stories currently working against the feminine, the mother consciousness and the heart of this human planet. On my YouTube channel later this week, I will offer tips to help you spot and connect with the current strong Pisces-Neptunian energies in your everyday living and share some practical ways to wisely navigate this windy and gaseous transit. Much of western astrology downplays the Neptune powers because of its subtlety and invisibility in a time and place ruled by logic. Interpretations usually suggest that Neptune’s transits are lacking power. My TimePassages app clearly categorizes this Sun conjunct Neptune transit as a weaker aspect. We all know that weak has a negative implication in the society we live in and it points to the same softness that is carelessly associated with the feminine, the energy of women and the soul of the Mother. But I beg to differ and can’t help but interrogate the old thinking and the masculine origins in which astrology and so much more is built upon. Let’s begin with the concept that Pisces is all about endings and completions. It’s interesting that there can be no beginning without the ending of something, someone, some place, some way of being or thinking. In order to have and to hold, to begin or to start there must first be space to receive or create. A new day begins right after midnight not at the break of dawn. Life begins at conception not after you are born. A new calendar day starts at exactly one second after midnight. We were pulsating with life in the womb and came out into the world at birth. Before then, we sensually and subtly experienced everything while living in mother’s body. We often forget the order of this amazing miracle, yet, it is deeply symbolic of the deep feminine currents that drive the shadow world of Neptune. Neptune — the Mother planet and Pisces -the daughter sign are feminine in nature. Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun in our solar system. It has 13 moons, the largest of which is named Triton. With that many moons how could it be masculine in nature? Neptune dissolves boundaries and washes away so that everything is one big ocean or endless sky. Pisces has the sensitivity and the unconditional love, as well as the martyr, slave mentality and broken spirit that holds on incessantly; qualities both assigned to the Mother. But there is fog around the fact that the dark side of the Mother has also been misinterpreted and therefore feared. The masculine fatherly and authoritative approach to living has kept the majority framed in a neat little picture or box, with total obedience and at the beck and call of the structures that have been in place for so long. I have long observed these interpretations, languages and accounts through the domineering historical logic-ruled masculine lens with only a few sprinkles of the feminine inspiration in astrology. The story of Neptune is associated with the Greek God of the Sea Poseidon, and its astrological symbol is usually a stylized version of Poseidon’s mighty three pronged trident. Yet, Neptune finds exaltation in Cancer the sign of the mother, the home, the human family, our nurturing tendencies. To see Neptune as weak in feature and appearance is to attribute the same to the feminine, the spirit of women and their nurturing soul. It seems Neptune has domain over the Mother. This beautiful planet embodies the higher qualities and divine, unequivocal and infinite capacities of love that Venus only teases us with. She is about one love, one heart, one world, one mother, one family. So why would she be considered important or “minor” when it would not be in favor of the male principles of separate, divide and conquer. This is why heavy Piscean and Neptune transits or individual aspects are always very difficult and challenging for humans devoid of spiritual wealth. There is a clash between what is concrete and what is imagined, between the seen and unseen, between the mind and the heart. The paranormal, the dream and spirit world, unseen feelings, the mysteries of life- sex, death and rebirth — are forbidden or discouraged very early in life when our connection to and capacity to integrate the Neptunian realms of existence is very strong. In some way or another, we wake up everyday to participate in a world that perpetuates the more negative manifestations of Neptune which includes deception, trickery, deceit, guilt, and addiction associated with drugs, alcohol, or even media and fantasy while witnessing or participating in the magnetic compulsive, obsessive attraction to Neptunian devices of all types. This phenomenon is constantly densifying and polluting the energetic field so that no one can readily “see” beyond. Yet, Neptune calls us to go beyond! But who’s going to say that it is major? It does not fit in the masculine picture. To live is to be curious, to explore, to experience, to experiment, to feel, to question. And to keep doing it over and over again is to actively live from your heart. There is an immense, immeasurable space awaiting your attention, but you’ve been trained to squander your most precious resource on material acquisitions, running in a rat race while you become more deaf, dumb and numb to the unseen reality. The current picture you brush paint or splash on everyday as you stand in your little puddle, is it filled with the colors of your heart’s treasures and does it follow the whispers of your soul’s desires? Or is it one distorted, infringed upon, cracked and filled with the borrowed colors or dull shades that tell of your denied story? When Neptune exposes the undeveloped frames of our vast subconscious or when, like the tides of the oceans, she regurgitate our stuff we are often shocked at what surfaces. To be aware of our connection with each other would mean something different for the long standing paradigm. It will mean that we get to own all our crafts and creations — ugly and beautiful, we get to practice listening to our intuition first; we get to experience the concept of the end (Pisces) as the actual beginning. We get to see through everything and into its truth. It would mean starting our days on a heart note rather than on the right foot. It would mean consciously living with our subconscious realm. But right now when folks wake up there is no feminine pause, there is a masculine ignition to rush, to go after, to chase, to acquire and to race. Is it still fair to say that the Neptune transits are minor? Is Neptune still not that important? Let’s zoom in the lens of the camera for a closer shot of our tiny lives where Neptune lives and reigns. Oh yes! Neptune is life, the sub life, bigger than the conscious life for it carries everything. Absolutely all of the unconscious music you dance to each day while saying you are not a dancer. Which is more than the currently hilarious conscious existence. Speaking of… Why would Hilary Clinton run for president again? Pun intended. What is her heart’s mission and does she have one? Does she have both? I would love to see a female president govern America, but I have serious doubts about Hilary’s intense Scorpion driven stellium. With a Mars-Pluto ruled Sun, Ascendant, Mercury & Venus in the 12th house, she is power hungry and naturally secretive and private like George W. Bush & Tony Blair. Interestingly, she has no hard aspects to her Libra Neptune but she does have a Neptune ruled Pisces Moon which would make her confused and imbalanced (heart & head, materially & spiritually) or even deny her emotions as a woman and cause her to emotionally flip a great deal. She has a few times already. Did I hear her say KKK to Drumpf (Trump)? Lol. Her Mars, Saturn and Pluto in Leo would create some big heart lessons that come with restrictions and dark shadows. If her 8 am birth time is correct then this 9th house conglomerate makes me question her own foreign love affairs she may have hidden. Come on now! Bill Clinton is not the only one having extra marital affairs. Relationships shadow or mirror the individual players. What one does openly, shows what the other is doing secretively. Neptune on the other hand teaches us that there is so much more hidden but we have to look deep inside ourselves to begin to see. Her Leo intensity blended with her Scorpio stellium would give her the drive to compete and crave power at all cost. And with her north node in Taurus in the 7th house she is with Bill and in pursuit of power and a public life until death. As Swedish astrologer Stefan Stenudd puts it, “Honestly, I would hesitate to vote for someone with those three planets in Leo. This speaks heavily of power, certainly, and a drastic, forceful way of using it. It is almost the constellation of a conqueror.” Hilary’s agenda adheres to the masculine goals. She fits in like a glove but at a very high price. Will she? Can she even honor and bring out the Neptune-Pisces spirit in a masculine driven job? Spirituality & heart does not co-exist in American politics. I double doubt it. Besides, why does this country desire to be led and controlled by the same old family members any way? How boring and humdrum, but totally controlling is that? Where does change begin to breathe? The history of this country was built on lies and confusions while negating the Neptune higher qualities. There is a spot where Neptune and Pisces lives in each of us. So no matter what, we can not escape the blinding force of Neptune. When the wind is fierce, when the sands blasts through the dessert, when we walk in a pitch dark room, we have to close our eyes to see and find our way. No different with mystical Neptune. The house where you have Neptune shows where you harbor constant confusion, uncertainty, fogginess; it is where you lie to yourself or are lied to, it is where trickery and denial can plague you. Why? Because it is where we refuse to see and be the spiritual powers we learned to deny, and the answers or solutions can only be found in your heart, in the spirit world and between your closed eyes — the places this current world won’t lovingly take you. Can you see through it all? Probably not? Not if you believe that Neptune transits and aspects are minor. And certainly not if you march to the drums of a militant society and follow the masculine driven parade called life which is totally Aries and Mars — two overwhelming de-factors that create the themes around besiege and dominate. The feminine era will not fully bloom until we claim her as first in order and let her reign wholly and supremely in her natural place, side by side with her male counterpart. It’s ladies first not men. This Solar Eclipse in Pisces is asking us to shine the light (Sun) on the spirit of the heart and switch to higher love thinking (Mercury), be compassionate and see that my wounds are yours and vice versa (Chiron), redefine love as active and plural, all inclusive and not passively singular (Neptune), and it wants us to end the old mothering paradigm and principles (Ceres) that cripple the minds & hearts of our children. What we have been doing for so long and out of habit (South Node) is no longer working. Neptune holds a special spot in each of us and governs our collective connection. She will continue to smear us with confusion, conflicts and chaos. The more we refuse to listen to and obey the laws of her occupancy, the more we and our children will fall prey to the brutal trappings of society. (More on that in my YouTube presentation) Films, photography, television, sleeping, dreaming, instinct, abstract thinking, psychic abilities, the oceans, art, poem, music, dance, meditation, glamour, fashion, make-up, drugs, and alcohol are some of the main Neptune symbols that influence modern day living. In the body she rules the feet, the immune system, hormones, fluids. And there are many diseases and psychological underpinnings of Neptune prevalent in our society today that I will share in my YouTube video. Recognize her in your life? Can you testify on how the negative expressions of Neptune has swept through your life? Now, is Neptune still a weaker planet or force? Photo: “Our Ends are Beginnings” by Paradisiac Picture on deviant @ deviant art -- source link
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