someonetocrowdyouwithlove: butterscotchsims Sunflower hair no bangs (1)rosysimmer Elliott sweat
someonetocrowdyouwithlove: butterscotchsims Sunflower hair no bangs (1)rosysimmer Elliott sweater (1)storylegacysims jeans (1)shespeakssimlish Bobbi hair (2, 3)nolan-sims Witchy dress (3)imvikai x greenllamas Sogue Comfy culottes (4)naevy-sims feralpoodles Lila hair converted (5)cowversions viiavi’s Papaver crop top converted (5)naevys-sims tajsiwel Your Heart jeans converted (5)nolan-sims All business top (6)hypergnomesimblr Cricle skirt conversion (6)moontrait tucked in top (7)moontrait high wasted skirt (7)isjao Dada hair (8)johnnyzest Plain Jane, Slightly To The Side! (8)WMS Leela hair v4 + saurussims ombre recolours (9, 10)liliili-sims cropped jumpsuit (9) Ah, I’m loving the lady in blue! -- source link