endasogiizhik: AKI EZHINAAGWAK - GEOGRAPHY (IN OJIBWE)Note: there are some features on this map that
endasogiizhik: AKI EZHINAAGWAK - GEOGRAPHY (IN OJIBWE)Note: there are some features on this map that either don’t have words in Ojibwe (because they are from a geography Ojibwe people historically weren’t familiar with) or because I don’t know them. I did not make this chart, unfortunately it was on reddit with no attribution. My apologies. wajiw - mountainmisaakwam - iceberggakijiwan - it is a waterfallgichi-mikwam - glacierishkodewadinaa - it is a volcanoziibiins - streamgichigami - seaboodaajiwanibiise - it is a geyserdootoogakimigaa - it is tundrazaaga’igan - lakebikwadinaa - it is a hillbasadinaa - it is a valleywaabishkiki - swampwiikwed - baywaazh - cavebasakamigaa - it is a canyonzaagiing - at the inletziibi - riverdesaabik - mesabaatekamigaa - it is a desertbabiikwadaawangaa - there are sand dunesneyaashi - pointjiigibiig - on the sohremashkode - prairie, plainsminisikaa - there is an archipelago minis - islandaazhibik - cliffmitigwaki - forestaazhawaawangaa - it is an isthmusmashkiig - marshziibiikaajigan - canal -- source link