paddedlittleparadise: Training a young woman to be your little diapered baby can initially seem chal
paddedlittleparadise: Training a young woman to be your little diapered baby can initially seem challenging. Sure, she may say she’s willing; she might even explicitly ask to be treated younger than she is… But sooner or later, you’re always going to encounter deeply embedded social training that will make it very hard for her to embrace her proper regressed status. Take her toileting, for instance. Everyone knows that the sign of a true baby is their obvious inability to control their bodily functions - and so too might your little girl. But she might not have realized the full implications of her commitment to let you regress her, or even if she did, she might begin to regret her decision and resist further training. In this event, you, as a good and firm Daddy, need to proceed with care. May we suggest the technique of potty untraining. It is a term used very loosely in regression circles, true, but what we advocate is something significantly more complex than simply putting your little back in diapers. You see, the human psyche retains deep imprints of earlier memories as well as learned patterns of operating; thus, it is only logical that in order to succeed in potty untraining, the most effective techniques are simply reversed versions of those used to potty train your princess so many years before. Too much jargon? Very well; here’s a practical example! Your princess’s potty training moved her from diapers to pull-ups to training pants to underwear, didn’t it? Then simply reverse the process! Note well: the key here is to incentivize her in the exact same way that she was when trained. Was she told that big girls get to wear underwear? Repeatedly explain to her that good little girls - for that’s what she longs to be, isn’t it? - get to wear diapers, and only silly grownups wear underwear. Sticker charts, prizes, and commendations will fuel this process and encourage her to actively participate. So much for the reversal and reinstatement of an incentive. Now, teach her the practical steps by which she must achieve the next step in her goal. It’s simple, really; if she had to stay dry for a week to graduate to underwear, inform her that having an accident every day for a week is what she needs to do to graduate to training pants. Making them leak consistently will be the way to graduate to pull-ups; and of course leaking out of her pull-ups consistently is the only way to graduate to baby diapers. Just take a look at the face of our own little Odette above. Isn’t that the precious, thrilled face of an excited little girl who’s just been told that she can finally graduate back to real baby diapers? Look at her showing off her Elmo diaper so proudly! That’s the secret, if it really is a secret. Make regression into the state of babyhood fun and exciting - just as fun as grownups made adulthood seem all those years ago. Do that, and we guarantee that your little princess will soon be soaking her pants, willingly at first, then involuntarily as she finally achieves the true, final goal of potty untraining: full incontinence. Now then… Who’s ready to begin? Image Credit: Please don’t remove my caption; if you do, may a gang of raccoons discover your garbage bins. -- source link
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