stolpergeist: Paravipus didactyloides is an ichnotaxon from the Irhazer tracksite in Niger that was
stolpergeist: Paravipus didactyloides is an ichnotaxon from the Irhazer tracksite in Niger that was described by a researcher team from BraunschweigThe didactyl theropod tracks indicate the presence of a paravian maniraptoran in the Middle Jurassic of the Republic of the NigerVisitors at the State Natural History Museum Braunschweig can “stand on” the tracks by stepping on a section that is covered by glassThe maniraptoran may have shared its environment with Spinophorosaurus and JobariaAt the State Natural History Museum Braunschweig a cast of a Deinonychus skeleton has been mounted to represent the track making theropod as bones that could be associated with Paravipus didactyloides haven’t been found yetPersonally I think Deinonychus might be too advanced to represent this Jurassic animal and I would rather have gone with Ornitholestes but it may be harder to find a good Ornitholestes cast that can be used for this and Deinonychus fits the sizeThe first time I have ever heard of this ichnotaxon was at a temporary exhibition at the Climate House Bremerhaven in 2013 where they had the sculpture seen above on display to represent the animal The proportions are really strange -- source link