thewritersarchive:This is an ultimate masterlist of many resources that could be helpful for writers
thewritersarchive:This is an ultimate masterlist of many resources that could be helpful for writers. I apologize in advance for any not working links. Check out the ultimate writing resource masterlist here (x) and my “novel” tag here (x).✑ PLANNINGOutlining & OrganizingFor the Architects: The Planning ProcessRough DraftsHow do you plan a novel?Plot Development: Climax, Resolution, and Your Main CharacterPlotting and PlaningI Have An Idea for a Novel! Now What?Choosing the Best Outline MethodHow to Write a Novel: The Snowflake MethodEffectively Outlining Your PlotConflict and Character within Story StructureOutlining Your PlotIdeas, Plots & Using the Premise Sheets✑ INSPIRATIONFinding story ideasChoosing ideas and endingsWhen a plot isn’t strong enough to make a whole storyWriting a story that’s doomed to suckHow to Finish What You Start: A Five-Step Plan for WritersFinishing Your NovelFinish Your NovelHow to Finish Your Novel when You Want to QuitHow To Push Past The Bullshit And Write That Goddamn Novel: A Very Simple No-Fuckery Writing Plan✑ PLOTIn General25 Turns, Pivots and Twists to Complicate Your StoryThe ABCs (and Ds and Es) of Plot DevelopmentOriginality Is OverratedHow to Create a Plot Outline in Eight Easy StepsFinding Plot: Idea NetsThe Story Goal: Your Key to Creating a Solid Plot StructureMake your reader root for your main characterCreating Conflict and Sustaining SuspenseTips for Creating a Compelling PlotThe Thirty-six (plus one) Dramatic SituationsAdding Subplots to a NovelWeaving Subplots into a Novel7 Ways to Add Subplots to Your NovelCrafting a Successful Romance SubplotHow to Improve your Writing: Subplots and SubtextUnderstanding the Role of SubplotsHow to Use Subtext in your WritingThe Secret Life of SubtextHow to Use SubtextBeginningCreating a Process: Getting Your Ideas onto Paper (And into a Story)Why First Chapters?Starting with a BangIn the BeginningThe Beginning of your Novel that isn’t the Beginning of your NovelA Beginning from the MiddleStarting with a BangFirst Chapters: What To Include @ The Beginning Writer23 Clichés to Avoid When Beginning Your StoryStart Writing NowDone Planning. What Now?Continuing Your Long-Format StoryHow to Start a Novel 100 best first lines from novelsThe First Sentence of a Book ReportHow To Write A Killer First Sentence To Open Your BookHow to Write the First Sentence of a BookThe Most Important Sentence: How to Write a Killer OpeningHook Your Reader from the First Sentence: How to Write Great BeginningsForeshadowingForeshadowing and the Red HeringNarrative Elements: ForeshadowingForeshadowing and SuspenseForeshadowing Key DetailsWriting Fiction: ForeshadowingThe Literary Device of ForeshadowingAll About Foreshadowing in FictionForeshadowingFlashbacks and ForeshadowingForeshadowing — How and Why to Use It In Your WritingSettingFour Ways to Bring Settings to LifeWrite a Setting for a BookWriting Dynamic SettingsHow To Make Your Setting a CharacterGuide for Setting5 Tips for Writing Better SettingsBuilding a Novel’s SettingEndingA Novel EndingHow to End Your NovelHow to End Your Novel 2How to End a Novel With a PunchHow to End a NovelHow to Finish a NovelHow to Write The Ending of Your NovelKeys to Great Endings3 Things That End A Story WellEnding a Novel: Five Things to AvoidEndings that Ruin Your NovelClosing Time: The Ending✑ CHARACTERNamesBehind the NameSurname Meanings and OriginsSurname Meanings and Origins - A Free Dictionary of SurnamesCommon US Surnames & Their MeaningsLast Name Meanings & OriginsName GeneratorsName PlaygroundDifferent Types of CharactersWays To Describe a PersonalityCharacter Traits MemeTypes of CharactersTypes of Characters in FictionSeven Common Character TypesSix Types of Courageous CharactersCreating Fictional Characters (Masterlist)Building Fictional CharactersFiction Writer’s Character ChartCharacter Building WorkshopTips for CharacterizationFiction Writer’s Character ChartAdvantages, Disadvantages and Skills MalesStrong Male CharactersThe History and Nature of Man FriendshipsFriendship for Guys (No Tears!)‘I Love You, Man’ and the rules of male friendshipMale FriendshipUnderstanding Male FriendshipStraight male friendship, now with more cuddlingCharacter DevelopmentP.O.V. And BackgroundWriting a Character: Questionnaire10 Days of Character BuildingGetting to Know Your CharactersCharacter Development Exercises✑ STYLEChaptersHow Many Chapters is the Right Amount of Chapters?The Arbitrary Nature of the ChapterHow Long is a Chapter?How Long Should Novel Chapters Be?Chapter & Novel Lengths Section vs. Scene BreaksDialogue The Passion of Dialogue25 Things You Should Know About DialogueDialogue Writing TipsPunctuation DialogueHow to Write Believable DialogueWriting Dialogue: The Music of SpeechWriting Scenes with Many CharactersIt’s Not What They Say …Top 10 Tips for Writing DialogueSpeaking of DialogueDialogue TipsInterrupted DialogueTwo Tips for Interrupted DialogueShow, Don’t Tell (Description)“Tell” Makes a Great PlaceholderThe Literary Merit of the Grilled Cheese SandwichBad Creative Writing AdviceThe Ultimate Guide to Writing Better Than You Normally DoDailyWritingTips: Show, Don’t TellGrammarGirl: Show, Don’t TellWriting Style: What Is It?Detail Enhances Your FictionUsing Sensory DetailsDescription in FictionUsing Concrete DetailDepth Through PerceptionShowing Emotions & FeelingsCharacter DescriptionDescribing Your Characters (by inkfish7 on DeviantArt)Help with Character DevelopmentCreating Characters that Jump Off the PageOmitting Character DescriptionIntroducing Your Character(s): DON’TCharacter CraftingWriter’s Relief Blog: “Character Development In Stories And Novels”Article: How Do You Think Up Your Characters?5 Character Points You May Be IgnoringList of colors, hair types and hairstylesList of words to use in a character’s description 200 words to describe hairHow to describe hairWords used to describe the state of people’s hairHow to describe your haircutHair color shartsFour Ways to Reveal BackstoryWords Used to Describe ClothesFlashbacksUsing Flashbacks in WritingFlashbacks by All WriteUsing Flashback in FictionFatal BackstoryFlashbacks as opening gambitDon’t Begin at the BeginningFlashbacks in BooksTVTropes: FlashbackObjects in the Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear: Flashback Techniques in Fiction3 Tips for Writing Successful FlashbacksThe 5 Rules of Writing Effective FlashbacksHow to Handle Flashbacks In WritingFlashbacks and ForeshadowingReddit Forum: Is a flashback in the first chapter a good idea?Forum Discussing FlackbacksP.O.VYou, Me, and XE - Points of ViewWhat’s Your Point of View?Establishing the Right Point of View: How to Avoid “Stepping Out of Character”How to Start Writing in the Third PersonThe Opposite Gender P.O.V.LANGUAGE How To Say Said200 Words Instead of SaidWords to Use Instead of SaidA List of Words to Use Instead of SaidAlternatives to “Walk”60 Synonyms for “Walk”✑ USEFUL WEBSITES/LINKSGrammar MonsterGoogle ScholarGodCheckerTip Of My ToungeSpeech TagsPixar Story RulesWritten? Kitten!TED TalksDarkCopyFamily EchoSome Words About Word CountHow Long Should My Novel Be?The Universal Mary Sue Litmus TestWriter’s “Cheat Sheets”Last but not least, the most helpful tool for any writer out there is Google! -- source link
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