kecobe:Tarquin the Elder Consulting Attius NaviusSebastiano Ricci (Italian; 1659–1734)ca. 1690Oil on
kecobe:Tarquin the Elder Consulting Attius NaviusSebastiano Ricci (Italian; 1659–1734)ca. 1690Oil on canvasJ. Paul Getty Museum at the Getty Center, Los Angeles, CaliforniaTarquin was also making preparations forsurrounding the City with a stone wall when his designs were interrupted by awar with the Sabines. So sudden was the outbreak that the enemy were crossingthe Anio before a Roman army could meet and stop them. There was great alarm inRome. The first battle was indecisive, and there was great slaughter on bothsides. The enemies’ return to their camp allowed time for the Romans to makepreparations for a fresh campaign. Tarquin thought his army was weakest incavalry and decided to double the centuries, which Romulus had formed, of theRamnes, Titienses, and Luceres, and to distinguish them by his own name. Now asRomulus had acted under the sanction of the auspices, Attus Navius, acelebrated augur at that time, insisted that no change could be made, nothingnew introduced, unless the birds gave a favourable omen. The king’s anger wasroused, and in mockery of the augur’s skill he is reported to have said, “Come,you diviner, find out by your augury whether what I am now contemplating can bedone.” Attus, after consulting the omens, declared that it could. “Well,” theking replied, “I had it in my mind that you should cut a whetstone with arazor. Take these, and perform the feat which your birds portend can be done.”It is said that without the slightest hesitation he cut it through. (Livy, History of Rome, Book 1, Chapter 36. Translatedby Rev. Canon Roberts. New York, 1912) -- source link
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