languageoclock:ankündigen - to announceantworten - to answerärgern - to annoyargumentier
languageoclock: ankündigen - to announceantworten - to answerärgern - to annoyargumentieren - to argueartikulieren - to articulateatmen - to breatheausdrücken - to expressäußern - to express, to voiceaussprechen - to pronounce, to statebehaupten - to maintain, to claimbeichten - to confessbeleidigen - to insult, to offendbellen - to barkbemerken - to notice, to realiseberichten - to reportbetonen - to emphasise, to stressbieten - to offerbitten - to ask, to pleadblubbern - to mutter, to mumblebrüllen - to bellow, to roarbrummeln - to mutter, to mumblebuchstabieren - to spell outdebattieren - to debate, to discussdiskutieren - to discusseinladen - to inviteentgegnen - to retort, to replyerklären - to explainerwähnen - to mentionerwidern - to replyerzählen - to tell (story)fluchen - to curse, to swearflüstern - to whisperformulieren - to formulate, to put into wordsfragen - to ask, to questiongrinsen - to gringurgeln - to gurgleheulen - to howlhusten - to coughimitieren - to imitateinformieren - to informjammern - to wail, to grumblejaulen - to yelp, to howljodeln - to yodelkichern - to gigglekorrigieren - to correctkreischen - to squeal, to shrieklabern - to ramble, to babblelächeln - to smilelachen - to laughlallen - to babble, to mumblelispeln - to talk with a lisplügen - to liemaulen - to moan, to grumblemeinen - to think, to have the opinion thatmurmeln - to murmur, to mumble, to mutternachmachen - to copy, to imitateniesen - to sneezepiepsen - to peep, to squeakplappern - to chatter, to blabplärren - to bawl, to yellplaudern - to chatprahlen - to boast, to bragprotestieren - to protestquasseln - to chatter, to blabberquatschen - to chat, to gossipreagieren - to reactreden - to talkreizen - to teaserufen - to callschimpfen - to rant, to insultschluchzen - to sobschnacken - to chatschreien - to scream, to yell, to screechschwatzen - to chat, to babbleschwätzen - to gossip, to babbleschwören - to swear, to take oathseufzen - to sighsich äußern - to give one’s opinionsich beklagen - to complainsich unterhalten - to talk, to conversesingen - to singsprechen - to speakstammeln - to stammerstöhnen - to moan, to groanstottern - to stammer, to splutterstreiten - to argue, to fight, to quarrelverbalisieren - to verbaliseverraten - to tell (secret), to give awayvorstellen - to introduceweinen - to cry, to whinewettern - to rant, to cursewispern - to whisperzugeben - to admit, to confesszwitschern - to chirp, to tweet -- source link
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