aesthetictic:via I had wild nettles on pizza tonight, they were so delicious. Net
aesthetictic: via I had wild nettles on pizza tonight, they were so delicious. Nettles are amazing, one of the richest-tasting plants I’ve ever eaten. I can’t wait to go foraging for them in the late winter. (The hills are pretty diverse and good for a hike-and-gathering excursion. There’s a guy who gives basic foraging classes spring to fall for very reasonable fees, I think $10 or $20 per three-hour session, and I think I’m going to sign up this spring.) Nettles are so delicious. When I brought some home last spring, Ben was surprised they were edible and went on to tell me stories of summer camp in Marin and going on hikes and everyone accidentally getting into the nettles. They’re also a host plant for these magnificent little creatures: Red Admiral caterpillars. -- source link
#lepidoptera#fun fact#for science