noise-vs-signal:Facets of the Divine Feminine: Babalon and the Queen of Heaven in Binah, from Prom
noise-vs-signal: Facets of the Divine Feminine: Babalon and the Queen of Heaven in Binah, from Promethea #21 (”The Wine of Her Fornications”) by Alan Moore and J. H. Williams III (2002). “For I am the first and the last. I am the honored and the scorned, I am the harlot and the holy one. I am the wife and the virgin. I am the mother and the daughter. I am the barren one and the one with many children. I am she whose marriage is multiple, and I have not taken a husband. I am the midwife and she who does not give birth. I am the comforting of my labor pains. I am the bride and the bridegroom. It is my husband who begot me. I am the mother of my father and the sister of my husband. And he is my offspring. I am the servant of him who prepared me and I am the lord of my offspring. But he is the one who begot me before time on a day of birth and he is my offspring in time, and my power is from him. I am the staff of his power in his youth and he is the rod of my old age. And whatever he wills happens to me. I am the incomprehensible silence and the much-remembered thought. I am the voice of many sounds and the utterance (logos) of many forms. I am the utterance of my name Why, you who hate me, do you love me And hate those who love me? You who deny me, confess me, And you who confess me, deny me. You who speak the truth about me, tell lies about me, And you who have told lies about me, speak the truth about me. You who know me, become ignorant of me; and may those who have been ignorant of me come to know me For I am knowledge and ignorance. I am shame and boldness. I am unashamed, I am ashamed. I am strength and I am fear. I am war and peace Give heed to my poverty and my wealth.Do not be haughty to me when I am discarded upon the earthAnd you will find me among those that are to come.And do not look upon me on the garbage-heap and go and leave me discarded. And you will find me in the kingdoms. … I am she who exists in all fears and boldness in trembling.I am she who is weak, and I am well in pleasure of place.I am foolish and I am wise I am she who has been hated everywhere and who has been loved everywhere.I am she who is called Life and you have called Death.I am she who is called Law and you have called Lawlessness. I am the one you have pursued, and I am the one you have restrained.I am the one you have scattered and you have gathered me together.Before me you have been ashamed and you have been unashamed with me. I am the gnosis of my seeking, and the finding of those who seek after me.And the command of those who ask of me. And the power of the powers by my gnosisof the angels who have been sent by my logos,And the gods in their seasons by my command,And it is with me that the spirits of all humans exist,and it is within me that women exist. I am she who is honored and praised and who is despised scornfully.I am peace and because of me war has come to be.And I am an alien and a citizen.I am substance and she who has no substance.Those who come into being from my synousia are ignorant of me,And those who are in my substance know me. Those who are close to me have been ignorant of meAnd those who are far from me have known me. For what is inside of you is what is outside of you. And the one who molded you on the outside has made an impression of it inside of you. And that which you see outside of you, you see inside of you. It is manifest and it is your garment. For I am the one who alone exists,And I have no one who will judge me. For many are the sweet forms that exist in numerous sinsAnd unrestrained acts and disgraceful passions, and temporal pleasures,Which are restrained until they become soberAnd run up to their place of rest.And they will find me there,And they will live and they will not die again.” - Excerpts from the Gnostic text “The Thunder, Perfect Mind” (c. 200 CE). For more on occult & esoteric art, please see “Noise vs. Signal”. I am a rabid promethea fan. If you haven’t read it yet, do the thing. -- source link
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