transformativeworks: Welcome to Fandom First Friday! What is #FFF? The first Friday of the month, th
transformativeworks: Welcome to Fandom First Friday! What is #FFF? The first Friday of the month, the OTW celebrates one aspect of fandom. This month’s theme is First Fandoms! Your first fandom is always special–the thrill of meeting new people, exploring new fanworks, and discovering what you love. It’s an experience that sticks with you, and it’s the fandom that all future fandoms get comapred to. We want you to help us celebrate #FFF! Tell us about your first fandoms and what they mean to you. You can do so by reblogging this post, by making your own original post and tagging it with #Fandom First Friday, by mentioning @transformativeworks in a reblog, or by sending us an ask or a submission. Help spread the squee! I’m a little late to the game, but my first fandom was either, depending on how you define it, The Baby-Sitters Club or Star Trek. But Star Trek was where I discovered online fanfiction (alt.startrek.creative!) and play-by-email roleplaying. If you want to read more about my origin story, here’s the long version, and spoiler… fanfiction changed my life: -- source link