1. The Venus Felix is a sculpture of Venus and her son Cupid. It was dedicated by Sallustia and Help

1. The Venus Felix is a sculpture of Venus and her son Cupid. It was dedicated by Sallustia and Help
1. The Venus Felix is a sculpture of Venus and her son Cupid. It was dedicated by Sallustia and Help
1. The Venus Felix is a sculpture of Venus and her son Cupid. It was dedicated by Sallustia and Help
1. The Venus Felix is a sculpture of Venus and her son Cupid. It was dedicated by Sallustia and Help
1. The Venus Felix is a sculpture of Venus and her son Cupid. It was dedicated by Sallustia and Help
1. The Venus Felix is a sculpture of Venus and her son Cupid. It was dedicated by Sallustia and Help
1. The Venus Felix is a sculpture of Venus and her son Cupid. It was dedicated by Sallustia and Help
1. The Venus Felix is a sculpture of Venus and her son Cupid. It was dedicated by Sallustia and Help
1. The Venus Felix is a sculpture of Venus and her son Cupid. It was dedicated by Sallustia and Help
1. The Venus Felix is a sculpture of Venus and her son Cupid. It was dedicated by Sallustia and Help