odditiesoflife:10 Wild Facts About Chameleons1 — Changes in light, temperature or emotion can prompt
odditiesoflife:10 Wild Facts About Chameleons1 — Changes in light, temperature or emotion can prompt Chameleons to change color - they do not change color to camouflage themselves.2 — Their tongues moves faster than human eyes can follow, hitting their prey in about 30 thousandths of a second. They have ballistic tongues that are 1.5 - 2 times the length of their body.3 — The word ‘chameleon’ is a combination of two Greek words, “Chamai”, meaning ‘on the ground’ and “Leon” meaning ‘lion’.4 — Chameleons do not have any ears.5 — Almost half of the world’s species live on the island of Madagascar with 59 different species there. There are approximately 160 species of chameleon worldwide. 6 — Chameleon eyes have a 360-degree arc of vision and can see two directions at once. They can rotate and focus separately to observe two different objects simultaneously, which lets their eyes move independently of each other. 7 — Their feet resemble tongs with five toes that are fused into a one group of two and another group of three.8 — A prehensile tail is adapted for grasping especially by wrapping around an object.9 — Males are typically much more ornamented. Many have head or facial ornamentation such as horn-like projections while others have large crests on top of their head.10 — Chameleons vary greatly in size and structure. Their lengths can vary from 15 millimeters (0.6 in) in the male Brookesia micra (one of the world’s smallest reptiles) to 68.5 centimeters (30 in) in the male Furcifer oustaleti. sources 1, 2, 3 -- source link