daddysdlg: FAQ: Pacifiers in the DD/LG or DD/BG dynamic This is probably a pretty common question fo
daddysdlg: FAQ: Pacifiers in the DD/LG or DD/BG dynamic This is probably a pretty common question for those new to DD/LG - especially for Daddies, who may not fully grasp the psychological benefits for a sub in “Little Space” and don’t see beyond the sexual fetishism (to which, they may have no inclination, themselves), so I’ll cover a few questions at once! Isn’t pacifier use limited to those who identify as “baby girls” or others who consider themselves “adult babies?” Nope! While “Adult Babies” tend to embrace the fetishism of dressing like babies, using diapers, and doing full psychological regression into a role, there are many non-sexual reasons why an LG may find comfort in using a pacifier (AKA “paci”) too: -In Little Space, an LG regresses to a younger age (one where it may or may not involve “normal” pacifier use) - a pacifier enables the LG to more easily blur the dichotomy between her adult life and her littleness. -Littles with an oral fixation can use a pacifier to satiate their need to suck/chew on objects…or (ahem) Daddy. -Paci use can have a soothing/calming effect for any adult, by allowing them to revert to simpler times in their lives. This is especially true for Littles, who never really left their youth behind. Fun fact: Pacifier use can actually decrease snoring or teeth-grinding in adults! My Daddy isn’t into the whole “baby thing” so I’m worried he won’t want me to use a paci. How can I talk to him? As an LG, your Daddy may or may not be “into” you using a pacifier during sexual activity; that’s perfectly ok. That doesn’t have to impact what you do during non-sexual little space time (by yourself or with your Daddy). If your Daddy supports your little space, then he’ll already understand how certain things help you stay “little” and probably wants to provide those things to you. Have you told him that you’d love if he gave you a paci? Maybe he’s waiting for you to say something? If he doesn’t understand the psychological benefits of giving you a paci, then explain it to him so he can learn. Daddies are usually great listeners! My Daddy won’t let me use a paci because it makes him feel weird…what can I do? Aww, I’m sorry! If your Daddy is still freaked out by paci use - then that can be something you do to self-soothe when Daddy has to leave you alone. You can also suck your thumb, if that’s less uncomfortable for your Daddy. I find that I thumb-suck (subconsciously) in my sleep when I’m stressed or if I’m on the verge of sub-drop. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn’t. I’m not sure if Daddy notices, because I tend to nap longer/harder than he does! I’ve also been known to take his thumb and just suck…it’s one of my favorite non-sexual things in little space. Great news - we’re ready to buy my first paci - what are our options? So, depending on whether you’ll use the paci together sexually, or if you’ll use it to soothe non-sexually, you have a few choices. Some people will just buy a baby pacifier at the store and try it out. That’s ok short-term, but there are better options for adult use! -For sexual play: You can use a regular adult pacifier or order a paci-gag (shown in the top pics from Lucky Stars Leather on Etsy) that blends the sucking with a naughty leather gag. -For non-sexual use: Treat your Little to an adult-sized paci for the full soothing effect. These have bigger “nipples” on them to allow them to fill an adult mouth more fully. There are companies that specialize in BDSM gear, including adult pacifiers, like Aww So Cute but you can also find some adorable custom LG pacis on Etsy (like the ones pictured at the bottom, from Little Girl Dream Shopp) . PRO TIP: The Nuk Medic Pro (L) is a perfect Adult-sized option. It is often called the “Nuk 5” in the BDSM community because it has the company’s largest nipple. Good luck exploring your Little Space together! Have fun! ~G More DD/LG advice & naughtiness on -- source link
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