turn down the drama - turn up your kindness, love and compassionLooking back, I remember all the d
turn down the drama - turn up your kindness, love and compassion Looking back, I remember all the drama going on in my life - stressing, talking gossiping about the most stupid things. who’s going out with whom, where we were going out next, who drank too much last weekend, blahblahblah. I just recently realized how different my life is now - and mostly how glad I am about the change. Don’t get me wrong, for a while I did like the way thing were and it’s not like I do not like a good party once in a while @tiniebini but things do have changed. You might call it growing up or a change in character - but in the last year or two my whole perspective on life somehow changed. in my opinion, the biggest steps towards this have been changing my diet & having a consistent yoga practice - put differently: loving yourself is the key to a happy life, no matter on what stage of your journey through it you might be. @marie_sts #yoga#drama#kindness#love#quote#life#change#yogaeveryday#flowers#autumn#fall#boots#vegan#thankyouveganbody#selflove#orange#yogainstructor#compassion (hier: Würzburg) -- source link