peacemassagenz: How to produce a bigger load of cum!As part of my work at Men’s Peace Massage
peacemassagenz: How to produce a bigger load of cum!As part of my work at Men’s Peace Massage is training and support for guys of all ages. I do this at retreats and during the week online through Facebook messenger, Tumblr messenger and SKYPE. One question I get asked a lot is “how do I shoot a bigger load of cum?”.So first of all I am not a Doctor, take what I have to say based on (a) my own experience (b) reports and feed back from a few hundred guys that have participated in training/support with me.Firstly, there are some guys that just naturally shoot bucket loads, this isn’t the majority of us – the average is around 3.7 ml (or a little over a ¾ or a teaspoon). There are also those guys who shoot one load and ten minutes’ latter can cum again, but unless you have done some training with us around having multiple orgasms – one load and then its lights out are pretty normally for most guys. So what can limit the load of cum you fire off? Here is a short list;· Stress and or rushed sex or wanking, slow down – breath, build it up then edge back off and build it up again over time – this allows your mind to connect to your whole sexual being and produce a better result. · Take assertive control over your climax, that is get to know when you are about to cum, then pull back – rest 7-10 seconds and go; If you really want to enhance this whole response, get to just the point of no return and stop, you will feel your PC muscle (just under your nut suck) pump a little, like a mini-orgasm - but no cum, Wait 7-10 seconds and go again. You will find long term it will pay off big time. I will also add a lot of quick wanking to porn starts training your brain to operate your climax to that experience (i.e. watching porn), and sadly I have worked with guys that can no longer even have a wank without watching porn – fortunately that can be re-addressed, with the help of human touch and dialling back electronic devices!· Dehydration – this simply is a lack of water, which also includes excessive drinking of alcohol· This one is a bit obvious, but if you drain the pipes a couple times a day, you are not giving your system time to restore the build up of seminal fluid, it can take 12 hours, so dude give it a break for a bit, hold out for a couple of days and bingo, big loads!Before I go onto what works, I will say that there is a bunch of supplements and magic cum pills that claim to be the quick answer for you to cum like a donkey, but the reality is that is all rubbish, you are better off working on three key things (see below) (1) better nutrition (2) mind space (3) sensual touch Top recommendations Nutrition:1 Fluids, water not booze!2 Some foods such as almonds, garlic and those products with Zinc (veges, meat). If you lack zinc taking a supplement will restore you back to normal levels but won’t increase the average load of cum3 A supplement is recommended, but each guy will respond differently, so give it a go for a month (no less) and see if it makes a different by taking Lecithin, or Soya Lecithin Mind Space4 De-crease stress – easily said than done right, but start with you taking control of time, that is making the space daily to pause and breath – a quiet space and some training and support is recommended, as guys taking good care of our mental health is low on the priority list, but really should be at the top5 The sexual response (assuming you are slowing things down) is driven by two key things, physical touch (and stimulation) and also where your head is at – and this can also mean sexual attractiveness (of the guy you want to play with). The only problem is for most of us, and those we play with are not sexual gods with bulging muscles and a cock like a horse! most of us are, well there is no way to say it, average – with the added bonus of weird body shapes, and bits that as you get older are a little blah (its all down hill from 16 years old I tell you!). So we need to move beyond the standard image of what is hot, and go deeper with your mind, to a place that will empower your mind space. This is done with visualisation (before and during play and or a wank). No its not cheating on your partner, but visualise in your mind the physical body of both of you disappearing and replaced by an energy that you connect a feeling that makes you the horniest – keep this image and build on it during play and having both touch and mind space together will produce a wonderful experience.Sensual Touch1 Massage by someone else, or you be yourself. First committing to massage means you are actively slowing things down, secondly you are approaching your sexual health more holistically by connecting your mind, and your whole physical body to the experience.2 Targeted lingam (ling or penis) massage. And yes this is very different from just wanking! There are a number of lingam massage techniques that will increase the sexual experience – I use Marma mapping with massage, and on and around the penis and testicles. There is a set of core points and massage styles I use around this area – that you can learn, teach your partner and some you can do on yourself, happy to chat to you on Tumblr messenger or face-book if you want to learn more. Or even better book a massage session! -- source link
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