wocinsolidarity: a—fri—ca:Maori woman carrying an infant on her back, 1892 - (photo fr
wocinsolidarity: a—fri—ca: Maori woman carrying an infant on her back, 1892 - (photo from natlib.govt.nz) The New Zealand Holocaust ‘Many descendants of British colonist’s are under some impression that settlement was a lovely peaceful event where British colonist never attempted to exterminate Maori, Confiscate 99% of their land and assimilate them. A holocaust is defined as “Destruction or slaughter on a mass scale” it is not isolated to any single event. The Maori was in terminal decline only 50 years after signing the Treaty of Waitangi -75% of the Maori were deceased (Mason Durie, Ngā Tai Matatū, pp 29-31). The British Army had Machine guns that could mow down an entire Battalion and the latest Armstrong Artillery. Maori fighting back with muskets could not prevent slaughter of men woman and children against a professional army. Maori were punished severely for attempting to protect their ancestral lands against the wishes of the British government their land was to be repatriated. Without land and the native courts designed to strip more land from Iwi the Maori soon fell into poverty and despair attempting to assimilate into British society. The government refused to offer Iwi medical care to prevent Small pox,influenza many diseases that Maori had not been exposed to. By 1890 the Maori was on the verge of being exterminated. Many British colonists liked to gloat about the demise of the Maori people by saying “They have been replaced by a superior race”.’ (…) (to read more >http://aotearoagovt.com/?p=1513) -- source link
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