While I often profess to not have a sense of humor, I have a real fondness for Douglas Adams’

While I often profess to not have a sense of humor, I have a real fondness for Douglas Adams’
While I often profess to not have a sense of humor, I have a real fondness for Douglas Adams’
While I often profess to not have a sense of humor, I have a real fondness for Douglas Adams’
While I often profess to not have a sense of humor, I have a real fondness for Douglas Adams’
While I often profess to not have a sense of humor, I have a real fondness for Douglas Adams’
While I often profess to not have a sense of humor, I have a real fondness for Douglas Adams’
While I often profess to not have a sense of humor, I have a real fondness for Douglas Adams’
While I often profess to not have a sense of humor, I have a real fondness for Douglas Adams’
While I often profess to not have a sense of humor, I have a real fondness for Douglas Adams’