***We interrupt your regularly [sic] scheduled plant post to bring you one humpback whale.*** Humpba
***We interrupt your regularly [sic] scheduled plant post to bring you one humpback whale.*** Humpbacks, known scientifically as Megaptera novaeangliae, are famous for their singing and surface behaviors such as breaching. Though hunted to near extinction, populations have partially recovered, but these beautiful beings continue to be impacted by noise pollution and run ins with ships and fishing gear. All ocean life needs our protection! Support governmental agencies such as NOAA Fisheries to ensure the continued recovery of humpbacks. This ink and marker painting, titled ‘Blue Song,’ was made for a fellow whale lover. I suspect my patronus would be a humpback whale. What is yours? #Megaptera #Balaenopterid #art #science #scientificillustration #illustration #penandink #markerart #prismacolor #art #originalart #whales #humpbackwhale #oceans #NOAA #conservation #patronus #harrypotter https://www.instagram.com/p/B7nDR2EAb7z/?igshid=xwc3nj8u8adf -- source link