bioandrunaway:knifethesadprince:Everyone’s Rancor is the most Metal move in Final Fantasy XI. Animat
bioandrunaway:knifethesadprince:Everyone’s Rancor is the most Metal move in Final Fantasy XI. Animation wise, I love it, but it’s not the best in the game. Why I love it lies in its concept.For those of you who haven’t played FFXI, Everyone’s Rancor is a Tonberry ability. Every time you kill a Tonberry in the game, you accrue “Tonberry hate”, and what the means is that the game keeps track of how many you’ve killed, and it affects things like; how aggressive they are towards you, how much damage their moves do, etc. So back to my main point–Everyone’s Rancor is an ability that does damage according to how many of them you’ve killed. Taking a look at the animation, you can see ghosts, ghosts with the same eyes as a Tonberry. Meaning, they have so much rage for you, they literally summon the festering hatred lying in the souls of their dead brethren to kill you.(Second photo courtesy of: best part is SE didn’t just stop at Tonberry hate. They revisited the concept several times. Fomors (undead shadow-people) in the Tavnazian archepelago start off as passive, non-aggroing monsters, but soon change their minds as you start thinning their numbers. They don’t get any stronger, but they do get larger aggro ranges the angrier they get. The only way to soothe them is by killing their original murderers, the various beastmen and demons inhabiting the islands (or by spawning certain NMs).But one example of collective monster-hate reigns supreme over even Tonberries. When the Treasures of Aht Urhgan expansion was announced, SE introduced some of the various monsters you would encounter on the new continent on their website. One such monster was the Apkallu, adorable green penguins beloved by the people of Aht Urhgan. They’re noted as being very friendly and unafraid of people, but we were left with an ominous warning: “However, angering an Apkallu is not recommended.” We soon found out why.Apkallu start out completely non-aggressive, and there are even NPC Apkallu that will follow you around if you feed them the right fish. Their sole TP move is Yawn, a gaze-based Sleep. But should you start down the dark path of penguin slaughter, certain things begin to happen. They become aggressive and begin to gain access to new attacks, consisting of devastating paralysis, stun, and knockbacks. Their rate of multi-hit attacks and counters skyrockets, and they will specifically target anyone who uses healing magic, even if such spells normally would not draw a monster’s attention. During fights, they will start running off in the direction of their rookerymates, which will then immediately link with them and gang up on you. And they soon gain extreme physical and magical resistance, to the point where even the best geared damage dealers can only deal single-digit damage.There is no way to reset Apkallu hate but time. You must keep your head low and think on your sins until these new gods of the sea forget your pitiful existence.“Not recommended.” -- source link